Oli Sykes from Bring Me The Horzion

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Oli Sykes:

"So... What you wanna do today?" I heard a thick, Sheffield accent say.

"I dunno" I yawned, rolling over to my boyfriend who was laying next to me in our kingsized bed.

"Hmm, that helps" he chuckled, "what about Disneyland?"

"Oh my God, yeah!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down on our huge bed.

"Thought you would be excited" he grinned standing up and hugging me tightly.

He makes me feel like a princess and Oli is my knight in shinning armour.


"I'll go get us some drinks and popcorn before the show starts" Oli hurried off into forming crowd as I placed a dry towel down onto the grass and sat on it with my arms behind me and my legs stretched out.

This holiday has been perfect; treating me to this fabulous tour of America for this year's holiday. Normally, we go to the usual holiday destinations, Spain, Tenerife, France etc. but he is really pulling out all the spanners this year.

He is perfect boyfriend. Has been for four years now and has not let me down once.

"Hey, got ya this" He handed me some alcoholic drink before sitting down next to me. His arm wrapped around me, pulling closer.

Once the fireworks started we both stood up watching the wonderful display they put on - must cost them thousands of pounds!

During the show, Oli pulled away from me and I looked at him confused.

"What you doing?" He stared at me in response making me slightly apprehensive. Did I do something wrong?

"Look, I love you with all my heart," Oli got down on one knee. He isn't doing what I think he is, is he? "You have always been there for me. You are honestly like oxygen to me, without you I'd die. (Y/N) marry me?"

"Yes, yes I will" I whispered, unable to speak through my happy tears.

The fireworks in the background illustrated perfectly how I felt.

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