Michael Clifford from 5 Seconds of Summer

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Observing the clock that was set on the mantle piece above the fire, I realised it was a little past ten at night. Time has been passing slowly ever since he left for tour. One of the main cons of dating someone in a highly successful band. I would have gone on tour with 5SOS but it is the end of my last year at University so I have several difficult exams. Michael understood my university commitments. He understood that I couldn't simply give up everything I have been working for these past three years.

It has been quiet and lonely without him. When we are home, we hardly leave the house. We prefer cuddling, eating, napping and binge watching Netflix. Sometimes though, we venture out under the Australian sun. We love to walk hand in hand on the beach at sunset. Always romantic. It's not the same without Michael here. He calls me everyday from the UK, where the tour is, and always sends me sweet messages to wake up to. Sometimes when he is alone on the bus, we Skype and set a specific movie on at the same time and watch it together. Last night we watched Frozen, Mikey singing through the whole of it.

Stretching, I closed my revision books and left the front room. Flipping the switch on the kettle, I started to make myself a cup of tea. Turning the radio on, familiar voices filled the kitchen. Good Girls played as I sang along. Dancing around, I made my warm drink. "I love that song" I grinned to myself.

"I know you do" a voice spoke from behind me. Jumping out of my skin, I gasped loudly. Spinning around, I grasped a sharp knife.

"Kitten!" I screamed, immediately dropping everything and sprinting into my boyfriend's strong arms. Holding me close, he whispered sweet nothings into the top of my head, separating every word with a kiss. "I missed you so much!" A single stray tear escaped my eye and slipped down my cheek. "I thought you weren't going to be back for a few more days yet?"

"That was the plan but I needed to see you. I missed you too bloody much!" Flashing his famous grin, he wiped my cheek clean with his soft thumb. "Wait, were you going to stab me?" He gestured towards the potential weapon on the counter top.

"You surprised me!"

"Good surprise?"

"Yeah" I smiled. His arms still around me, he bent down slightly as I was smaller than him and connected our lips. His lips are always so soft and plump. He is a bit insecure about them though; he thinks they are huge. He once called himself 'Mangelia Jolie'! My arms hooked around his neck and my hands played with his mucky-blonde hair. "I thought you'd come back with a different hair colour?" I giggled, after getting my breathe back after our deep kiss.

"I didn't trust myself. I have dye but knowing me I'd mess it up. I don't have the best of luck" he smirked. I couldn't argue with that.

"Let me do it. I do my own often enough". I twirled some of my long Aqua-blue hair around my finger.

"Okay" he agreed, immediately rummaging through his bags to find the dye. "I was thinking this red" he smiled, presenting the box.

"I love red hair. It's so attractive" I confessed, biting my lip.

"I'm gonna be sexy" Michael smirked, doing a daft dance in the kitchen, slipping on the tiles and falling flat on his arse!

"Gosh, you're home aren't ya!" I laughed, grabbing his hand to help him to his feet. Instead, he pulled me onto the floor next to him. Climbing on top of me, he passionately kissed me again. I could feel him smile into each and every kiss.

"Don't laugh at my sexiness" he grinned. "Come on, I want fiery hair!" Mikey pouted before pulling me off the hard floor. Throwing me over his broad shoulder, he carried me upstairs to the bathroom.

"I have a good view of your ass" I laughed, feeling all my blood rush to my head. Once we reached the bathroom, he wiped his Rolling Stones tank top off and his black skinny jeans. He had such a good body, even if it is as white as milk! "Why did you take your trousers off?" I questioned as I grabbed the bottle of red dye.

"I don't want them ruined". I understood and begin to dye his hair. It was fairly quick and easy. I was finished after about ten minutes."Oh my God, your hands are dyed too!" My boyfriend exclaimed.

"Shit" I sighed. "Don't move or everything else will be stained".

"But-but I-"

"No buts" I interrupted trying my best not to laugh. Michael pouted like a small child. "You need to wash your hair in the shower now". I read from the label on the bottle.

"You should join me" he smirked, sticking his tongue out. I shook my head. I didn't fancy having a red body.

"Well because you have said that, I'm gonna decide what we do for the rest of the night". Agreeing, I felt slightly apprehensive. Although Michael may seem like an innocent kitten, he can be quite dominating and strong-willed. He has to have his way sometimes otherwise he'll be in a mood. It is really cute though. Mikey is also very romantic. Our first official date was at an romantic candlelit restaurant. He doesn't cook. That's Ashton's job.

Once he dried his newly coloured hair, we snuggled together on the couch to watch one of his favourite movies, Forrest Gump. However, we saw very little as our mouths were almost constantly attached. "Crap, I love you" Michael passionately whispered, his forest green eyes gazing into mine.

"I love you too Kitten" I smiled as our hands roamed each other's body.

"Bedroom?" Smiled Michael seductively, slowly biting his lip. Agreeing, we rushed upstairs and continued where we left off....

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