Mark Owen From Take That

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Mark Owen

"I still cannot believe that we 'ave been together for two years" my boyfriend hushed as we stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris looking over the romantic city. As the sun set, a vast array of oranges, reds and pinks washed over the sky as if an artist was painting the sky. A slight wind brushed past us which sent a few chills down my spine.

"You're the best thing that has happened to me" I whispered back, locking eyes on Mark Owen for a limited number of seconds before watching the sun slowly descend behind the taller buildings again.

"It's getting chilly, shall we go?" Markie questioned, holding his right hand on my back as I gazed at the city lighting up for a final time.

"Yeah, it's getting cold". Without hesitation, he slipped off his thin coat and threw it around me to make me warm. Instantly, I could smell his expensive aftershave he squirts onto himself every morning. It is one of my favourite smells as it always reminds me of my loving boyfriend. Sometimes, I put it on myself if he is away from me on tour to remind me of how great he smells.

Travelling down the elevator in the magnificent iron structure, we pecked each other on the lips. Looking up at Mark as I was slightly smaller than him, I noticed how his eyes shone back the artificial lights. Although he is a bit insecure about them, I think his eyes are one of his best features. They are always so big and loving. He smiles with his eyes which always makes my heart skip a beat. Reaching the groundfloor, he grabbed my hand and lead me through the streets of our anniversary city. For special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, however big or small, he enjoyed taking me somewhere new and exciting to spend the occasion there.

"la lune et les étoiles" Mark announced in his best French accent which I surprisingly found very attractive. "The Moon and Stars". The restaurant was filled with little noise, low lightening with candlelit dinners. Pleasant decor filled the open spaces around the room as only three other couples were also dining. Across the table, Mark held my hand for most of my evening as we gazed into each other's eyes. I was lost. Mesmerised.

After demolishing our two vegetarian three course meals, we set out again for one last walk around Paris before settling in the hotel for a night of snacks, movies and maybe something else ;P

"I don't want to say goodbye to this magnificent city" I sighed, squeezing Mark's hand tightly as we started to cross the locket bridge that ran across the river.

"Me either". He stopped in his tracks before searching the pockets of the jacket he gave me to wear. "Look what I have" he grinned holding a small lock and key in his hand.

"Oh Markie, you are too cute" I blushed. Together, we bent down by the fence and attached the lock firmly amongst hundreds of over locks. Glancing along the bridge, I wondered how many of these people who attached the locks are still together. It was a slightly depressing thought. On three, Mark and I threw the key into the river, watching it make a small splash before connecting our lips.

"I love you so much and I'm glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my everything (Y/N) and... woah I just really frigging love you!" Tears began to form in my eyes.

"These past two years have meant more to me than anything else has in my life. I am so thankful that I walked into you at the supermarket that day... literally walking into you." We both giggled. "I love you more than anything in the world Mark". Once again, our lips met and moved in sync as we leaned again the fence. Our hands roamed around the other's body. Completely lost in the moment.

"dégoûtant!" Some angry Frenchman spat as he trudged past us, snapping us back into reality. Giggling, we kissed for a final time before rushing back to the hotel to finish what we left off.

Sorry it wasn't that good. I haven't wrote a oneshot in ages >.<

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