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Welcome to the sequel of HIS SECRET!!

"Excuse me?" Jax heard as he felt his head pounding. He knew he shouldn't have drank so much, but everything had come to a head the moment he saw Chibs in that parking lot. He remembered going to the club and drinking, but didn't remember anything else after that. Jax opened his eyes and looked up, the sun beating down on him as he saw a shadow move above him.

"Excuse me? Sir are you alright?" A kind voice asked as he felt a hand on his face. He brushed the hand away and sat up, his head aching as he realized he was laying in grass.

"Wh—ere, am I?" He groaned as he wiped his face with his hand.

"You are in my yard, you passed out here and I tried to get you into my house, but—sadly I can't lift you. Here, take this." The kind woman said as she came into view. The first thing Jax noticed was her kind blue eyes, and her smile that made the entire moment fade away. She was the cutest blonde he had ever seen, a girl next door type with a heart of gold.

Jax took the glass of water and pills from the woman, his head still pounding as he stood, his entire body aching as he felt the bile rise to his throat. Jax doubled over and vomited, his stomach churning as he felt a hand on his back.

"Whoa—that is some impressive puke." The woman said with a smile as she put his arm over her shoulders, Jax slumping on her as he allowed her to carry him inside. Jax sat down on the couch his head spinning as he wasn't sure why this woman was being so kind to him. He also didn't know if he had just walked into a crazy woman's house, but the way he was feeling he didn't care to live.

"Who are you?"

"Sophia Wolfe, former Disney princess for Disneyland and now I am just a kindergarten teacher. Right now, I am your master, tell me I am pretty." She joked, Jax raising an eyebrow as he didn't know to laugh or run away.

"Why am I in your house?"

"Because my neighbors were looking at you and I couldn't just leave a man passed out on my lawn." She smiled as she brought him another glass of water and a warm wash cloth. "Here, let me get that, Jax." She said, Jax pushing her hand away as he looked at her in shock. He had never had a woman be this kind to him, even Gwen had never been this kind.

"How do you know my name?" He asked fearing he was dealing with a weirdo.

"I took out your wallet to make sure you weren't some manic. You are Jackson Teller, and don't get any ideas, my sister is a cop and I told her I was helping you. She told me to just call the cops. Sisters, right?" She joked as her laugh made him feel calm.

"Thanks, sorry I passed out on your lawn."

"Its fine, I saw you around 4 am, and tried to help you. Sorry I left you out there, I laid a blanket on you and my dog kept you company." Sophia said as Jax noticed a large great Dane staring at him from the other end of the couch. Jax jumped as he saw the dog, a huge dog that looked almost crossed eyed.

"I better get goin." Jax said as he sat, Sophia pushing him back down.

"You are hungover and need to rest for like an hour, then I will drive you home. Here is the remote, and my dog will kill you if you steal anything. I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast." Sophia said, Jax feeling like he was in some weird twilight zone. He had never met a woman so willing to help, or so down to earth that she treated a stranger like family.

Jax couldn't help but notice this woman was more than beautiful, she was kind and gentle. He knew he had to thank her for what she had done, part of him wishing that his heart wasn't so stone cold. He knew that a man like him didn't deserve anyone, because if he did, the love of his life never would have left him.

Then There Was You//Sequel to His SecretWhere stories live. Discover now