I Suppose Karma's a Bitch, Isn't It? (Nathan's POV)

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Sorry this is a bit rushed but hey ho :)

This oneshot set around chapter 8/9 of We Always Attract from Nathan's POV

The five of us lads, Kelsey and Nareesha stepped into the club, the bass pumping and the lights flashing wildly, highlighting the masses of bodies crowding the dancefloor.

"Shall we get some drinks in, lads?" Tom shouted over the music, slinging his arms around mine and Jay's shoulders.

Tom grabbed Jay and bounded over to the bar whilst Max, Siva, the girls and I found a free booth and sat down, getting comfy.

"You alright, Nath?" Nareesha asked me. putting her hand on my arm.

"Yeah" I mumbled half-heartedly.

The truth was I wasn't alright. Something, or someone, had been nagging at my brain for the past couple of weeks.


Since she'd arrived on the tour, it's like I couldn't stop thinking about her. I mean, I've obviously thought about her, and us, a few times over the past couple of years but I guess being in the band had distracted me from her.

But now she's coming on tour with the band.

I'd tried to make myself see it in a positive way, to see it as an incredible opportunity for Sophie to get exposure as a singer. I tried to be happy for her.

But it's hard to be happy for someone who ripped your heart out and let it shatter on the floor in a milion little pieces.

And worst of all, I could feel it happening again. I could feel myself being attracted to her again. I kept finding myself thinking back to the memories we'd shared together when we were younger- when we'd sang together, the first time we'd kissed, the first time we'd had sex... all the other times we'd had sex...

But our relationship was so much more than that. I'd forgotten how close we were, how she was like my best friend, how much I loved her...

Love her...

No, loved.

Thinking about it was really starting to get me down but I couldn't help it. It was hard not be reminded of all the good times we'd had together when I'm spending hours each day being in the same room as her.

It also kept reminding me of that night. That night that I'd never managed to erase from my memory. Still to this day, I've never understood why she did it. I know I was leaving but that wasn't an excuse. If she didn't want to do the long-distance thing, she should have just told me. It would have hurt but I loved her so I'd have understood.

I knew I needed to talk to her about it, about us, especially since we ended it in such bad terms, but I couldn't bring myself to. Every time I looked at her, the image of her and Scott kissing appeared in my mind and made me feel sick. I don't know how I'd manage to actually speak to her in person.

The whole thing had been getting me down since she arrived but today I was in a particularly bad mood because of something we'd found out earlier.

Sophie was going on a date tonight.

I don't know why I was surprised to be honest. Obviously she would be getting dates; she's fucking gorgeous.

What I didn't understand was why I felt so... well, in all honesty...


Yes, I was jealous.

I shouldn't have been. I'd broke up with her nearly three years ago and hadn't had any contact with her since but I couldn't stop myself. The thought of her being with someone that wasn't me...

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