20: Wrathful Heart Of The Emerald

Start from the beginning

Twelve unfurled dark wings rest behind her, and her former tiny tail had somehow turned into a dangerous looking limb. It looked more like that of a dragon's. In her hands protrudes ten long claws, each easily reaching the length of one meter. Her feet now sport a strong looking heel, tightly grasping the white quartz below her.

"I just looked away for some seconds, and Satina's already on her Satanic Stratum. Is she really that pissed?" She got her answer when she looked behind the devil.

The whole palace... is gone. The only thing that proved it's existence there is the huge, gaping hole on the cloud below it, acting like a crater.

She looked back at the vampire to her far left, and saw her slowly standing up. Her body is contorted on an awkward angle, probably from being kicked at her side. The vampire simply moved her bones in the right places, eliciting some bony pops and crack, then she's back to normal. Thalia still has that same expression of hers before. Pure, undiluted rage.

She slowly raised her right hand, and once again charged up the attack that wiped the palace off from it's place. This time, Satina did not underestimate it's tiny size, as she just saw what it can do. It's a small dark orb, probably not even bigger than a softball. It flowed with a dark-green energy, with it's center visibly colored black.

It flew towards the red-hair, covering the hundred meters distance in just a second. Satina responded by flicking it away with her tail, and redirected it towards the space above them.

"Xozeel-san!" The said goddess turned her head to her side, and saw the ability wielders' leader, Reya, along with a worried Gabrielle.

"Where's the Sitri sister?" Xozeel asked, just in time for an another explosion exploding behind them.

Gabrielle answered first. "My brother's tending to her, along with Liz. They've gone to somewhere safe, I promise." The angel said.

"I understand. What are we gonna do with that vampire though?" Xozeel looked at the said girl, giving Satina a run for her money in being destructive. "She's keeping up with Satina. Is she really that strong?"

"No," now Reya replied. "at least I don't think so. Thalia was beaten by my sister, and captured with Tamamo-san."

"She wasn't," Tamamo suddenly spoke from a corner. She stared at the vampire, as if looking at something in awe. "your sister took me as a hostage. She didn't have any other choice but to comply to her orders."

'Let's see how far your love for him can get you, Thalia.' Tamamo thought.

Thalia jumped back a few feet after punching Satina in her gut, an attack that the devil blocked. Sensing their huge power gap, she opted to let out her full power.

"I-I-I don't care, if you're a g-g-goddess or not. In the end of the d-day, you'll be nothing but just a lifeless body in the ground." She raised her own clawed nails to her forehead, and carved an 'X' mark in it. Blood began to pour from the wound, which is weird, since the vampiress can regenerate from almost any damage.

Two trails of blood ran down in both sides of her nose. Suddenly, a pair of huge clawed hands emerge from her back, with it's flesh reminding that of a dark green rotten meat. Still, it's claws each are three meters in length, while the fingers itself is probably the size of Thalia.

"Beelz' Resurrection." A deep voice spoke, seemingly coming from behind Thalia.

Satina looked on her in slight shock. "A Beelzebub's descendant, and a vampire at that. A terrific combination." Right after she finished her monologue, the right behemoth hand stretch itself towards her, a move that surprised even the red devil. It caught her in it's palm, and threw her to the sky. The force of the throw left the devil with an unstable inertia, preventing her from flying.

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