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bella was beyond nervous. today was the day that she meets auston's parents, and although she knows they're very nice, it's still nervewracking.

"calm down, princess. they'll love you." auston says as he soothingly takes her hand in his, intertwining their fingers together like puzzle pieces. this simple gesture alone gets bella to lighten up significantly.

"i know, but still! what if they don't like me! or even worse, what if your sisters hate me? oh god aus, that would be hell." auston just chuckles at her ridiculous nerves, placing a kiss on the top of her hand as they arrive at the matthews household.

bella swallows her nerves, much like she does before a game, and steps out of the vehicle. it was a nice house, very homey. she could tell why auston liked coming here so much.

"c'mon! you're too slow." she sees her fridge of a boyfriend practically bouncing towards the front door. she smiles at his happiness and jogs to catch up. he opens the door for bella, walking in after her,

"IM HOME!" auston yells into the house, much louder than he needed to. nevertheless, his family tackles him with hugs while bella stands to the side rather awkwardly.

"bella! its nice to finally meet you!" auston's mother walks over to bella, engulfing her in a warm, welcoming hug.

"nice to meet you too, mrs. matthews." bella says with a genuine smile on her face.

"please dear, call me ema. you're part of the family now." ema says with a grin on her face that just radiates happiness.

after further introductions to the rest of the family, they all sat down to eat dinner that ema had prepared. as per auston's request, they were eating tortilla soup.

"holy that was good." bella says after finishing her bowl.

"right? theres a reason i want to learn how to cook." auston says from beside bella, still beaming from being around his family.

"the only thing i've ever seen you cook is frozen pizza, so i think you've got a long ways to go." alex responds to her brother, causing everyone to laugh a little. everyone was having fun, and the rest of the dinner went just like that. laughing, telling stories, and collectively embarrassing auston. bella really did fit in with this family.

after dinner, everyone decided to play a game of monopoly. everyone in the house was very competitive, to say the least, and not even halfway through the game there was already beef.

"i swear to god alex if you steal one more dollar from the bank i am going to put lemon juice in your contact solution." auston said with a dead serious look on his face, all while his older sister had a guilty smirk.

"i'm not stealing anything."

"i literally saw you take a hundred dollars from the bank with my own two eyes. put it back"

"you have no proof." auston just rolled his eyes and kept playing.

half an hour later, bella left to go to the washroom and get some water, while auston said he'd play for her while she's gone. bella knew he was going to cheat as he was in last place, but she didn't care all that much. there was no way auston was going to catch up to her, cheating or not.

bella got back no more than 5 minutes later, and found chaos at the table. lots of yelling in which bella assumed to be spanish, the board was a mess, and there was monopoly money scattered all over the floor.

"bells! we should head upstairs." auston said as he got up from the table and walked towards her.

"but the game-" auston cut her off.

"don't worry about it, we finished. you won." auston had a shit eating grin on his face as his family glared at him. "don't worry about cleaning up, bryana's got it. night guys!" auston said very quickly and dragged bella away, barely leaving her any time to say a goodnight to everyone.

"what even happened?" bella sad while pulling on a shirt of austons, which happened to be one of the shirts they got at the leafs training camp.

"alex cheated and i got mad and almost broke the table. its all good though." auston said while drying off his face in the attached bathroom. bella just shook her head and headed to the bathroom to do her regular nightly routine.

the pair was soon happily situated under the covers of the extremely comfortable bed. warm, cozy, and still a little sore from the game a couple days ago. but nonetheless, bella stayed curled into austons bare chest, while his head was resting in her hair.

"did i ever say you're really hot when you're mad?"bella says sleepily, words muffled by austons chest.

"not sure."

"well did i ever tell say you're even hotter when you speak spanish?"

"i don't think you've told me that, no." auston could feel bella relaxing more and more in his arms, falling asleep slowly.

"i love you, aus."

"te amo más que ayer, pero menos que mañana."

(i love you more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow.)


im sorry for anyone who speaks spanish if thats wrong its from google translat elol

im also sorry for never updating lieterally ever

im just so busy ???? all the time,,,, ,, like hockey is rlly intense

anyways ily all and thanks for putting up with my shit

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