Chapter 29

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The wind is blowing in my face, my hands at my sides as I stare into the ocean from the top of the hill, I count the little clouds thankful that the sun is up in the sky as well shining bright like never before for us, just for us, two souls that are bound to be together. I hear him before I see him, Roger walks towards me quietly, "your dad would have been so proud, just like your mother is, he would have loved to see you like this, wearing white."

Ollie runs to us, falling over on his way, he has a little bow tie on his head smiling up at us, "he's a good dog."

"Old, he has an old soul, but Noah fell in love with him, Lauren did too," I say quietly taking a quick glance towards the tent.

"She is beautiful today," Roger whispers into the wind, getting the hold of my shoulder in the process.

"She is beautiful every day Rog, she is my rock, even though she sometimes forgets about me. Thank you though," I let out quietly.


"For saying that about my father, I always wanted him near, I wanted him to see me on this day, always wanted him to be proud, that was all I ever wanted, I can still hear him loud and clear, I can still remember the look inside his eyes when he whispered to me his last words, I'm proud, as proud as the father can be, you're my baby girl, always have been and always will be. His words are stuck with me Roger, I can't help myself today, I am getting married and he is not here to witness it, I am marrying your beautiful daughter yet she will have someone to walk her down the isle, all I have are the memories of his face. I woke up one day in tears, I forgot how he sounded like, so I put on the video of us playing in the snow, building the biggest snowman ever, that's why I never deny Noah's wishes when he wants to play, because that's all that is left once the person is gone." I get down on my knees to caress Ollie's head softly, not even a second later I see Dinah chasing Noah that's headed towards me and Ollie. Our son is dressed like a little prince, with his silver tie and white tux he is a star of the show.

"Hey mommy," he yells from a few meters away, almost kneeling down to pat our dog as well but Dinah picks him up just in time, "you two are just the same, for the love of god you two are wearing white clothes, y/n stand up, let me check your dress, I can't believe Lauren made you wear it." Dinah giggles along with Noah and Roger, she hands my son to Lauren's dad as she checks my dress up.

"Everything seems fine, but try to be careful alright? You two still have to take some photos." I nod agreeing to it mentally, Noah leans forward to kiss my cheek sweetly, "I love you mommy, but I have to go now, Dinah wants me to throw flowers before mom comes to see you." I nod waving their way as they disappear towards the house, Dinah checking the tent and the isle before she walks in.

Blue and white, we made it like that because that's what Lauren said she wanted one night, of course she forgot it the day after, but I didn't.

"Roger, did you ever doubt it?" I stutter out making the man turn my way to face me, he arches his eyebrows but it seems to me he gets it.

"You mean the wedding? Maybe, once or twice, I figured it were just nerves later on. You have to ask yourself one important question, do you think you could survive it if there was someone else standing by her side saying I do to her," I shake my head immediately.

"No I wouldn't be able to survive it Roger, the thought of that kills me, I just, I sometimes doubt I am what she really wants. I mean. Am I? Does she remember that I am the one? That I am the number one choice or does she wakes up every day with questions running through her head like, why; why did I choose this person. I am not afraid of her not being enough for me, more like the other way around, I am afraid she is going to wake up one day realizing that this was all just a big mistake." I look at him nervously, but all he does is smile at me.

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