Chapter 3

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It's been two days since I am in Miami to be completely honest I haven't done anything special yet. I'm just hiding in my apartment, waiting for a day when I am going to visit the hospital, I don't really know what is going on, but I think that my heart is afraid to run into her.

I wanted to spend this time on my own, to deal with my own feelings and things but there was one person waiting for me outside the door right in this moment. I promised her that I will take her out on a coffee. I open the door of my apartment and there she is, looking gorgeous as always, a few weeks ago we started dating and I am more than happy to have her here.

"You look nice," she says looking me up and down as she leans in for a sweet but quick kiss. I kiss her cheek afterwards and intertwine our fingers, she smiles my way as we start walking down the street.

"You always look beautiful Ems," I whisper in her ear as we are walking hand in hand, she is smiling, no matter what there is always a smile placed on her lips and I can't stop myself from thinking if I am going to kill that smile if I won't be able to make it work. She deserves everything in this world, but most importantly she deserves someone who will love her with the same love that she loves me, and I have a bad feeling that I am not that person.

As her girlfriend it is my job to keep her happy and satisfied and I am trying my best, I really am. "Look a coffee shop," she points to an old coffee shop on the end of the street, I smile at her when she pulls me towards it.

"What would you like to drink?" I ask her and when she tells me I show her the place where I want to sit, she sits down and I walk through the door of the coffee shop, it feels like home to be honest, the smell, the warmth everything is just perfect. I order our coffee and as I walk towards the door something happens, I feel a hand on mine and when I look down at the person sitting beside the table my heart drops.

"C-C-Camila?" I ask in disbelief, she nods as her hands hug my neck, my head is suddenly pressed into her hair, the smell is making me feel like this is what I've been missing in my life. She pulls aways slowly staring at me, her fingers are stuck on my face, observing every inch of it, she pulls me down so we can sit close to eachother. I look around the place like I am searching for something.

"She is not here Y/N don't worry," she says quietly.

"I am not worrying, it would be nice to see her I guess. How are you? I can see that you're still looking stunning, but how is life you know?" Her eyes turn from surprise and happines into a disappointment and sadness. I reach for her hand across the table and squeeze it gently. I can see a little tear moving from her eye and towards her cheek and I wipe it away immediately.

"Nice one Mila, are you trying to make me cry already? Stop with that," I whisper and she giggles.

"It's just, it's getting harder by each day, Lauren is not the same, it feels like we are all drifting apart," she tells me and I am sursprised.

"Why? I mean I know she took a year off but you're getting back together soon aren't you?" The look in her eyes tells me that something isn't right here that I am missing one important part of the story.

"She didn't take the year off Y/N," I am confused, Camila is looking at me and I am looking right back.

"She, she, she was sick Y/N. She's been sick for two years now, her mind is running around the place all of the time, she had a little operation that made her lose her memory. When she found out about the state she was in she locked herself in her room for two weeks, whenever we tried to get to her she said 'I just need her'. She needed you the most, we started looking for you and we found you eventually but when we told her where you are and what you've become she silently said 'she is happy, her life is amazing, I can't ruin that. I'll let her be happy.'." To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

"Mila, why now? Why do I have to hear this now?"

"Because she is weaker than ever before, she doesn't know that you're in the city but go see her, please let her be happy, she was unhappy for six years, since she's lost you." Every word she said felt like a knife to my heart, every breath she took between speaking felt like infinity and I needed to hear all about the love of my life. I am losing her, I am losing her again after six years but this time it's so much harder.

"If she doesn't recover soon, if her mind stays in the state that it is right now, she will slowly start to fall apart. She gets this flashbacks sometimes, she screams at night, she is hurting herself, but she doesn't want to learn anything. She is sure that you'll come back one day even though she doesn't know your name. She forgets about you daily but at night, you're the only thing she talks about. That girl is not Lauren Y/N, that girl is a broken puzzle that's waiting to be solved, to be put back together into a beautiful picture, but she needs your help." How can I put her back together if I can't even pull myself together after six years.

"We thought that we were going to be enough you know?" I hear another voice coming from behind me and I recognize it immediately. Dinah.

"We tried everything to keep her sane, to keep her here but she is still in the same place she was two years ago." Dinah sits down next to me and all I can think about is how much I've missed this girls.

"Where is the little one?"

"Smalls? At school, she is a teacher now, she and Normani both." I nod and Dinah looks at me weirdly. I look back with my eyebrows raised a little, she gives me a fake smile and I see a little tear rolling down her cheek. I wipe it away and she hugs me suddenly, I have to let it go and hug her back because this right here means everything to me, I can feel another body on my other side and a little lips on my cheek.

"Where have you been doctor Y/LN," she says while giggling and wiping her tears away.

"You're such a softie DJ, I've been around you know?"

"Well stop running away, we need you here. She needs you. Is it wrong that I want you to forgive her? She can't fucking forgive herself, but maybe you should, maybe that would help?"

"That's not possible Dinah," I try to say but they both start yelling why not.

I really enjoy writing this story :)

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