Chapter 6

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My hands are shaking as I am going through this letter again and again, her words, her hand writing, nothing is changed, the old Lauren is still there. Yeah she might have changed the perspective on some things, on life, but she is still there inside that body.

Without even thinking about it I start walking again, my legs are carrying me, my heart is leading the way. It doesn't take long before I am standing in front of the same doors again. I knock and I hear a loud noise coming from inside. They are all heavy sleepers so I wonder who is going to open the door.

When I see her my world stops and I just stare at her for a while. I am too focused on her lovely eyes and her messy hair to notice the note she is holding in the air in front of my face. I take it from her and read it. It's 4 am in the morning, what on earth are you doing here?

"The weirdest thing happened to me Lauren. I wanted to throw your letter away and call my girlfriend, I wanted to forget all about tonight, but I couldn't do it. So I went to the beach and as I was reading the note I realized that you are still you, the woman I fell in love with. I know you've changed a little but I want to know every part of this person that you are today. So I am here to ask you out? Tomorrow, we are just going to take a walk and eat something. I just want to talk to you." She is looking at me like I am crazy as she pushes me out, she closes the door and just when I am certain that I fucked it up the doors open again. Her eyes look different in the dark, her lips still full and beautiful, her hair a bit messy, she has a black beanie on.

She grabs my shirt and pulls me behind her. We are going on a walk right now. I read on the note that she gives me and I can swear that my heart skips a beat when her fingers intertwine with mine. She is pulling me out from the building and let go of my hand immediately, I can feel my heart drop again but I put a smile on my face. We are standing in front of the crossroad and she stills, it takes some time for me to remember what Camila said. My hand slowly slips inside hers as our fingers intertwine again.

I lead her from one side of the road to the other and she is holding onto me like her life is about to end. Don't worry I've got you, I whisper and she seems to relax a bit.

"Where do you want to go?" I ask her and she gives me a note saying: The beach. Of course she would wanted to go to the beach, she is Lauren after all, the biggest dreamer I've ever met.

We walk in silence, I can hear her heartbeat and it makes me feel complete, it was always like this with us. We didn't need words, words were never necesarry, all we needed was eachothers presence and we were alright.

I can't help myself when my eyes travel towards her from time to time. Her beauty is still shocking to me even after all of this years. I know every inch of her body and I am curious about the things that have changed. I look at her scar and I swear that it makes her look even more beautiful. She is some kind of perfection. All that a woman or a man could wish for.

Stop staring, she is holding these words in front of my face and I giggle as I am being caught by the beauty herself. Sorry, you're just beautiful. I whisper and she is quick with replaying, and you have a girlfriend. Emily I assume? I nod and I figure that Dinah must have told her that.

"Dinah told you huh?" She raises her left eyebrow and looks at me. No? How does she know?

"Well I was kind of on a date when we ran into eachother a few hours ago."

Y/N did you ditched your date for us?

"For you Laur, I ditched it for you. I wanted to see you." She sits down on the sand and looks at me strangely.

I miss us. I miss your arms around me when things get rough and out of my hand. I miss your kisses to make me feel better. I miss the way you caressed my hair and my back when I was sad. I miss our rough and soft sex, our rough and soft kisses. I miss the future I had in my head for us.

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