Chapter 26

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(WARNING mature content again.)

Sans' POV

"Race you Frisk!" She yelled. Frisk and (Y/N) took off across the nature park. They jumped into a field of different colored flowers. Sans smiled, watching the petals scatter. Papyrus stood next to him. It had been three weeks since the battle. (Y/N)'s brothers took off after the two of them and jumped in forming a dog, well, wolf pile. Mettaton then grabbed a frisbee. Mikey and (Y/N) raced over, tackling each other and barking in excitement. Sans chuckled at their reckless charge. Mettaton threw it and they nearly fell over each other trying to get to it first. Frisk watched laughing. Toriel and Asgore had tea on the picnic blanket. Asriel laid in the flowers calmly. Undyne and Alphys were down by the beach swimming. Sans felt peace. He was finally happy. They were all free, for good.

"Get it (Y/N)!" Raph cheered.

"I'm trying Raph!" She barked, knocking Mikey over. She leaped, but then Leo suddenly leaped and snatched it first. Her jaw dropped.

"Eat it." Leo bragged.

"Hey! That was mine!" (Y/N) snapped angrily.

"No way! I almost had it!" Mikey growled.

"I think you're all puppies." Raph snorted, trying not to laugh. They turned.

"What did you just call us?" (Y/N) asked, grinning challengingly. 

"You're all so child like. Grow your adult fangs already." He said. Donnie gulped and backed slowly away from Raph. Mikey and Leo stalked closer with (Y/N) leading them.

"Oh yeah?" (Y/N) asked and leaped at him. 

"Shoot!" He yelped and was tackled to the ground. She barked right in his face. He flinched.

"Those are my fangs." She said and got off him. Leo and Mikey chuckled. Donnie snickered too. Sans sighed, closing his eyes and enjoying the sunlight. He listen to the birds singing and the playful bickering of his friends. Papyrus sighed too. Sans opened his eyes and looked over questioningly.

"I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU STILL HAVE THAT BROTHER." He said, nodding at Sans' pocket. Sans knew what was in it. He had it in his hand that was shoved in his pocket at that very moment actually. "I THOUGHT YOU'D HAVE GOTTEN RID OF IT BY NOW." Sans knew what that meant. He knew Papyrus was hinting at giving it to someone, but was being subtle about it.

"do you really think...."

"SHE WILL." He said and went over to join them. Sans sighed holding the object tighter in the pocket of his hoodie. maybe he's right...maybe...just maybe....

Your POV

Sans took you home and you went to your room to change. You were pretty dusty after rolling around with Frisk and the guys. Once you were done you went to the living room. Sans wasn't waiting for you on the couch. You wondered where he'd gone. You heard something from the bathroom. You tilted your head, confused. It sounded like something had fell. You listened. 

"but how am i gonna....ugh i just can't do it!" He said, obviously flustered. "but...then again..." He started. "i want to so bad." He said. You flattened your ears. You had no idea what that meant. You shook it off and put in a game. You played, waiting for him to eventually come out. He did a few minutes later. He sat down next to you. He didn't speak. Neither did you, but you glanced over at him. You saw his hand shift in the pocket of his hoodie. His phone probably. You thought. You looked at his expression. He was staring at the screen, but his eyes wavered with emotion. You grew worried. Sans was acting really...strange. You paused the game. He looked confused and then looked over at you.

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