●Guess I Didn't!!

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To You,

Well as you can see....I didn't die/or rather didn't kill myself.

I still think i will....not that i ever gave up on the idea...but i guess i just postponed it.

I postponed my suicide. Hilarious.

Anyway, I'll now tell you why that happened. As you see i was/am having trouble coping with my life lately....

The pressure of being a teen wasn't anything compared to what i feel at the end of it....

Man...you name it and i have felt it.
Anxiety = check!
Depression = check!
Anger = check!
Lonely = check!
Hungry = check!
Suicidal = currently postponed!

Anyway....with all that going on in my life i was perfectly and absolutely determined to die after writing my end letter to you. In a dramatic manner, might i add, as why not.....my life was/is full of it...so i think my death deserves it too...
And finding your journal at the right moment added up perfect too....
Felt like a sign from the heaven, saying "Now is the time, free entry offer. Our doors close at Midnight. Once in a Deathbed Offer"

You know that kinda perfect.
I planned everything....the pills (a little extra just in case...as i didn't wanna wake up only to know i digested them and just had a great sleep instead😞)

Soooo yeah....all great. I get through the day with my ordeals.... doing the secret farewell to all the people that were gonna miss me(my cats).
Brought them extra food and fluffy beds...and wrote letters to the friends asking them to take these babies after me.....

And as i got to bed, laid back on the pillow....all dressed up as i didn't wanna die my usual unkempt self, for people might actually visit me to take me to the morgue......

....the phone rang....

Ughhh....the technology of cellphones and the concept of all time connectivity. 😒😒
One can say bye bye to privacy and Me-time.

I ignore the call as you see i was in middle of a literal life-death situation.

Unscrewing the bottle and pouring myself a glass of water, as i didn't wanna die of choking before the pills even get to do their job, i empty the pills in my  left palm.

I place the first two of my pile of pills, as still careful of choking unlike those people in the movies who just chuck 100 pills as a time and try swallowing with their spit😧, the phone rings again.

And let me tell you....when you are sitting all prepared and in middle of the act of dying, Rihanna screaming "Bitch better have mah money!!" In the background can be a LITTLE distracting.😠

So getting frustrated, i place the glass back on the side table and answer it.

This is how the conversation went.

"Me: what?
Maa: Why are you so rud__never mind... I just had to tell you.....you're Grandmother has passed away.
Me: okay?
Maa: so you need to come downstairs as we are leaving now, and don't even think about saying you won't go. Downstairs now."

That's why. That is the reason why i have decided to postpone my suicide, not only because i have to go to the funeral and pretend to care( i am not mean, the woman was a bitch😒), but also because i really don't wanna share my death anniversary with her. Ewww!!

So now you know why!! Guess I'll be writing to you more than just One dramatic suicide note!!
You are Welcome.

That's all. Maa's yelling.
Untill Next time.



Hey guys.....i know i was supposed to update it on tuesday. But i just felt like writng it before time. Yes i am writing these chapters one at a time...*awkward laugh😅
But hope you like this a little better and satisfactory than the first chapter. How do you like the main character untill now.
Guess the dying is postponed for now.
And people out there who cannot handle humour....please know that i DO NOT encourage suicide or anything.....it is a fictional  plot...so bear with me a little more.
Untill next time.


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