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HI PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. Derp. It's me and ma girlfriend's year-aversary thingy. We've been going out for a year now~<3 Not boasting, I'm just REALLY happy, and sorry peepz, I be going to Disneyland tomorrow-Friday, I'll be back on Saturday! I love you all!

PS a song called Vivi by Kenshi Yonezu (Hachi) really helped me write this chapter for some reason. He has a really pretty voice and I put the youtube video over there....also it's in Japanese^^"


  “I really don’t want to be here.” I stated as throbbing tugged in my heart. Seto took out his keys to unlock the front door of his mansion, and I frowned, “Didn’t you move anyway?”

  Seto shrugged nonchalantly, “I moved back, is that really so hard to figure out?” His voice was harsh, cold even. I almost cringed back at the tone he spoke to me in.

  I gulped, and looked down at my feet as Seto opened the door, “I want to go home.”

  At this, Seto stopped. He looked up at the top of the doorframe, “I’m really an idiot aren’t I?” he whispered, “I…I messed up…” he laughed, “You should leave.”


  He turned around and violently grabbed my arm that I had reached out to him, “You said you wanted to go, didn’t you? Are you going to lie to me again?”

  I pulled my arm away and slapped him across the face, “I’ve never lied to you!” I took a step back and shook my head as he rubbed his aching cheek. “I can’t believe I fell for you telling me that you finally realized that…” I muttered. Seto shook his head and went inside, slamming the door in my face. I hesitantly grabbed the door handle after a mental battle of if I should or shouldn’t.

  Wandering down the empty hallways, rooms, I didn’t see Seto anywhere. I walked into the kitchen and found Seto bundled into a corner, his head in his hands. His body shook violently, but only sounds of stifled sobs came from him. He was crying. He was actually crying. My anger dropped and I approached him, tapping his shoulder and offering my hand. He made no move to take it. I shifted my glance away from him before asking shyly, “Care to dance?”

  He looked up, fresh tears still sliding from his hypnotizing blue eyes down to his chin, “There’s no music, idiot.”

  I sat on my knees and wiped a tear away, “You don’t need music to dance, jerk.” And laughed a little to myself as a tear of my own fell down my cheek. Seto stared at me then took my hand and we danced. It didn’t matter if there was any music; all I could hear was the sound of my heartbeat pounding in my ears and the noise of butterflies’ wings fluttering in my stomach as we waltzed around the empty house. Streaks of orange and red sunlight streamed in through the windows as the sun set slowly upon the horizon. I hung tightly to Seto and suddenly cascaded into a fit of violent sobs.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as he sat down with me on the floor as I cried. I cried even harder and he groaned, looking up at the ceiling and laughed at himself, “Well what ISN’T wrong?” sounding rather angry at himself. He bit his lip when he found he didn’t know what to do to help me, “I’m not good at this…” He tried to grab my hands away that were violently wiping away falling tears, “Anna?” Before I could do anything, Seto pressed his lips against mine.

  I shoved him away.

  I stared at him for a moment, the look on his face…just the look on his face. It broke my heart in two. He was trying his best, I knew that. I suspected he had probably never been in a real relationship before, and I didn’t blame him for not believing me. My story was far-fetched, most would think I was crazy. But the look on his face when I shoved him away, it made me want to take back everything I ever said against him.

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