I'm Not A Pet...

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Don't expect me to update this too much, kay? Thanks! I love my amazing fans though! Enjoy!


  Great, just great, I was stuck with that stupid jerk Seto Kaiba. He took me to some sort of lab where scientists pricked at me and examined me as if I were some type of animal. Well…I kind of was but…nevermind. The problem was, I was terrified of needles and fainted at the sight of blood. So, when they took a blood sample…I kind of fainted.

  I awoke to be sitting in a small steel-barred cage on Seto’s desk. I chewed at the bars, managing to bend one and Kaiba smiled smugly at me. He propped his feet up on his desk infront of the cage. I managed to reach them and chew at the tips. He frowned and pulled his foot back, causing him to lose his boot and I snatched it inside the cage before he could get at it.

  I tore it to pieces. He curiously looked at me, and poked a finger through the bars and I immediately snatched it up. “BITCH!” he shouted, grabbing his finger back. I laughed at him. He tilted his head at me. I tilted mine back.

  “Mr. Kaiba, it’s about the blood samples.” One of the scientists said, entering the room unannounced.

  Kaiba looked annoyed, “Yes?” I was surprised he didn’t start yelling at the guy.

  “They seem to be real. Blood type A.” he stated.

  “That’s impossible!” Kaiba shouted, slamming his hands on the desk, causing the cage to jump a tiny bit. I growled.

  The scientist shrunk a little, “That’s the results we got from the test. Our x-rays revealed skeletal structure. When we put a camera down its throat while it was passed out, it appears to have organs. Its skin was too thick to cut through without damage, since we don’t know anything about this kind of animal, but we know it has lungs to breathe and a beating heart...”

  Kaiba put his hand in a fist, looking as if he were about to sock the guy, but then he sighed and his shoulders relaxed, “Leave.” And the scientist happily hurried from the room. Kaiba sat back down and looked curiously at me again, “You can’t possibly be real.” I squawked in resentment. He unlatched the cage but didn’t open it, “If I open it, don’t run, okay?” I nodded. He rolled his eyes, “Look at me, talking to this…thing…” he opened the cage and I bit his hand. “STOP THAT!” he looked at his hand, surprised that it wasn’t bleeding.

  I flapped my wings, and just then, Mokuba burst into the room, “Is it true-IT IS!” he shouted gleefully, then scooped me up in his arms, suffocating me with a hug. I flapped my wings in panic but Kaiba only laughed and closed the door.

  “Hi Mokuba.”

  “Hey big brother, where did you get the dragon from!?”

  “Yugi and those geeks. They think it’s real, ha.”

  “It seems real…” He held me a little farther away to look at me. I squawked a ‘thank you’. He laughed and hugged me again.

  Kaiba rolled his eyes, “Don’t let them get into your head, it can’t be possible.”

  Mokuba shrugged, putting me back into the cage and locking the door. He looked thoughtfully at me for a minute then turned to Kaiba, “You should give it a bigger cage, so it can fly around. By the way, is it a boy or a girl?”

  Kaiba shook his head, “It’s not real.”

  Mokuba sighed, “Whatever you say, bye!” and left.

  “Bye.” Kaiba closed the door behind his little brother then looked at my cage again. He opened the door and I waddled out to the edge of the desk. I wiggled my tail, spreading my wings, backed up as far as I could. He looked amused watching me. I ran to get momentum and…I landed flat on my face on the floor. I might need some practice.

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