It's Not A Date!

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Muahaha...poor Anna(: TOO MANY SPOILERS I COULD PUT HERE. So, enjoy~!


  I growled as Kaiba's maids tugged me by ropes to my new bigger cage. I had grown way too big to stay inside the house, and was growing by the day. Kaiba was always stressed about what to do with me, and wouldn't let Mokuba even go near me. One night, Mokuba snuck out into the backyard, and unlocked my cage.

  He smiled as I blinked my eyes awake and pet the scales on my neck, and snuggled next to me. I guess we both fell asleep like that because the next morning, we woke to Kaiba's yelling as he pulled Mokuba away. I could see that he was only simply worried for his brother, but that still hurt. He slammed the cage shut, calling me a monster and he should just get rid of me so he wouldn't have to worry anymore.

  I was a little temprimental when people said mean things to me, and since I could not snap back with a witty comment since I spoke dragon, I broke the cage bars and went up to them and the two cowered in fear and I unintentionally hurt them because of my vicious anger.

  I woke up in the middle of the night, tears and cold sweat covering my face. I got up and went to the window and opened it wide, taking deep breaths of the cold night air. It was just a nightmare, I should go back to sleep.

  I laid back down in my bed but I just couldn't get back into slumber. I gave in and opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling. It was a very terrible nightmare. I hadn't had a dream in the longest time, I wondered why I was having a nightmare now all of a sudden.

  I got up and jogged down the stairs, about to get a glass of water when I had a sudden urge to make a call. I pulled out the phonebook from the shelf and set it on the table, scanning through the pages.

  I dialed the number I was looking for and listened to the tone for a moment.

  "Industrial Illusions, I'm sorry but we are not receiving calls at this hour." a man said on the other line.

  To be honest, I was suprised they answered, "Yes, but this is urgent. I'm Anna Mutou, Yugi Mutou's twin sister. I need to talk to Mr. Pegasus."

  "Can it wait until morning?" he asked.

  "I'm sorry, but this is urgent." I hastily replied.

  He told me to wait then a few, or at least ten, minutes later, I heard the same voice I had the day before I was turned into the blue eyes white dragon, "Hello, Maximillion Pegasus speaking."

  "Hello sir, you may remember me as the girl who bumped into you a few weeks ago?"

  "Ah yes, I remember. I recognized you from the moment I saw you. So, you're probably wondering why I turned you into a blue eyes white dragon are you not?"

  "Yes, but that's not why I called. I want to know how I turned back." I stated, gripping the phone tightly.

  I heard him breathe deepily in thought, then he replied, "Firstly, I do many unexplainable things when I'm bored, and turning you into the little dragon was no exception. Now, in regards to how you changed back, well that's the fun part. You must've fallen in love."

  I choked on my breath. No. I know all my friends have been saying that I like...but never love. Okay, Yami did ask if I was in love...but I never actually believed it. I hung up without another word and ran up to my room, burying my face in my pillow. I'm in love. But...I've never been in love before. I didn't want to be in love with that rich brat. I barely even really knew the guy.

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