dun...dUN...DUN!...(don't ask:P)

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I'm hyper! Thus the title^:P enjoy!


  I woke up, stretching my wings, to find I was on Kaiba’s desk. He smiled warmly at me and pat my head, “Goodmorning sunshine.” I squawked at him then noticed the bandage on my wing was gone and there was nothing there but a bruise. He smiled, “It healed pretty fast.” Mumbling more to himself than to me.

  He typed at his computer and for some reason I wanted all of his attention, so I forced my head under his hand and he laughed, “Okay.” He pulled me into his lap and pet me lovingly.

  I curled up comfortably and loved the feel of his warm hand petting me gently. It was strange, but since I was an animal I guess it made some sense. He stopped after a little while then began typing again. I sat up and clawed gently at his shirt. He shook his head, “I have to work.”

  I frowned and nudged his arm. He laughed and ignored me. I crawled awkwardly onto his shoulder and nipped his cheek, “Stop that.” He scolded. I licked his cheek, it felt and tasted weird. He winced, “You have sharp tongue…” I looked at his cheek and noticed that my tongue had scraped off a tiny bit of skin. I guess I did have a sharp tongue…both as a human and dragon. Ha.

  I nudged his cheek and he shoved me off, and I fell to the ground, squawking in resentment. He looked down to check if I was okay, and then continued working, completely ignoring me. It hurt a little; he showed me all his attention before…he was busy, with his job now. I guess he couldn’t waste all his time on me.

  I sighed, waddling away to my cage, once again bumping into my cage. I turned to Kaiba but he didn’t even notice. I sighed, holding in tears. What was up with me? Why was I so emotional lately?

  I guess I missed being human…

  I looked at my two front little silver dragon feet, each with four little claws. I stretched my wings and sighed. I carefully climbed up the glass cage, using my claws to help me hold on, and my wings were still outstretched just in case. When I got to the top, I went to the opposite end, turned around and ran off of it, flapping my wings and pushing off the edge. I flew around the room but Kaiba didn’t bother to even look up.

  I felt desperate and stupid. I landed in a crash on his desk that knocked his computer over and I heard an electric sound that didn’t sound good.

  He picked me up, “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH! I CAN’T TAKE MY EYES OFF YOU FOR A MOMENT OR YOU’LL GET IN TROUBLE OR DO SOMETHING IDIOTIC! YOU’RE NO BETTER THAN YUGI AND THOSE GEEKS!” He stared at me after yelling, and dropped me back on the desk, sitting in his chair with his head in his hands. He sat there calmly for a moment, taking a deep breath, “$15,000 down the drain.” He sighed, grabbing me and shoving me into my cage before leaving.

  I scratched at the door then slumped in defeat. Such an idiot! I thought to myself. How could I be such an idiot!?

  I looked at the now wrecked computer. Why had Kaiba gotten so upset? I mean, he didn’t get upset when I ruined his jacket… Well, the computer cost more, but he didn’t seem the type to care about money that much…

  I started crying again. Damn it! Why did he so easily make me cry? I mean…it’s not like I care about him, since he thinks I’m not real…

  I sat for a moment then my mind wandered back to the question of why he had been so upset. Money didn’t make sense to me. What else did he say? That he can’t keep his eyes off me or I’ll get into trouble or do something idiotic, and I’m no better than Yugi and his friends.

  Well, there was the time I got dragon-napped. I couldn’t think of anything else big that had happened.

  I thought of how he thought I wasn’t real. It all made sense now. The revelation was almost too much to take.

  He didn’t want to admit I was real.

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