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"The wind carried those pieces away for somebody to pick them up."

To you who starts over,

     It's been two years since you broke up with the person you first loved. You know how hard it can be to accept change let alone the truth that she's just not there anymore. That left you with a thousand questions still left unanswered and will always be unanswered. It left you scarred, it left you wounded, it left you wounded and hoping for something that isn't there, but you managed to get by. It's hard to get by. And it's been two years since you last saw her face, last heard her voice telling you goodbye, last touched her hand when they were letting go. It's been two years since you broke down to tears, cried as you met her ghost that kept haunting your dreams, it's been two years since your heart first shattered into a hundred pieces and got swept away by the rush of the wind. It's been a long time. It's been such a long time and in that duration where you thought you'd never fall back in love anymore, you learned how to get by. You learned that she won't be there anymore, but someone's going to be. You learned some questions are better left unanswered, and some answers are better left questioned. It may have scarred and wounded you, salty with tears, but you also learned that the wind actually carried the pieces away for someone to pick them up. You learned to love yourself again most of all, and that's what matters for now. You took yourself back to where you started.
     Feelings aroused, feelings faded, and feelings ended, and love may be an endless cycle of falling in love, committing mistakes, and breaking down to tears, but that's what makes it feel so good. It's the cycle. It's finding someone who is a reflection of your thoughts and feelings.
     So here's to the cycle, here's to all the feelings that came and went,  and here's to the people who love that cycle. Here's to your feelings.

To Your FeelingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon