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"You suddenly hear ukeleles though nothing sounds sweeter than her voice."

To you who's in love,

     You feel crazy, but you love it. You love this feeling. Yes, you love the feeling when you meet someone who is a perfect illusion of yourself. You love the days when you start setting your goals for someone else. You want her to be happy. You want her to have fun, you want her to eat because you'll never care wether she got fat or wether she's bones covered with skin. You love the days when you finally have someone to think of when you're in the shower, before you go to sleep, or when you wake up in the morning.
     You just love it when you see her and you suddenly hear the sound of ukeleles though nothing sounds sweeter than her voice. You feel so encaptured in a conversation together and it just feels like you lose all your senses. Where's that beat coming from? Where's your mind at? Where are all your senses? All latched unto her and you just love the feeling when she smiles back at you or says your name or when you hugged her for the first time.
     All the music suddenly makes sense, all the poetry seems logical, and everything feels like the movies you've watched or the books you've read.
     You open the windows, let the breeze in, you wash the dishes, you love the coffee, the afternoon naps, and all of a sudden you discover something so deep within yourself. You love the long drives, the wind as you go, and you'd love to grow old with her and think of her in your final days at your deathbed as everything passes by in an array of memories.
     All of a sudden you're in love. All of a sudden the whistling sounds good. And that's because all of a sudden you met someone. All of a sudden you're crazy, but you love it.

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