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"What's life compared to a life with her?"

To you who waits,

     You. Yes, you. I know sometimes you tend to think on giving up waiting for someone who doesn't see your worth yet. Sometimes you tend to think if the person you keep on chasing is worth the wait. Sometimes you tend to question your worth because she doesn't seem to notice it.
      Sometimes when you have the best of plans laid out, some sort of mystical force seems to ruin it always in the last minute and you just watch the moment pass by when you could have spent that moment with the one you love most in this fucked up world. Sometimes when you cant even talk to her cause she never wants to you simply daydream and imagine moments and ignore the fact that you may never be together cause when youre stuck in love with her, she's stuck in love with someone else. Sometimes you downgrade yourself and lose confidence in waiting because you think of what you have to offer against what she already has, and sometimes you overthink things, but it never supresses your thoughts of her or your dreams at night or the plans you laid out. Well let me tell you something retardo, love can wait, no matter how cliche this shit sounds. Maybe waiting is good for you. Maybe you should wait more because after all, the longer you wait, the sweeter the taste if you succeed. Yes, chances are, you may be waiting in vain, but what's life without taking risks? What's life compared to a life with her?
     A life without overthinking, no more daydreams, no more mystical force, just you and the person you love up against the cruelties of the world. What's all the heartache and self-pity youve experienced to finally being with her? Feeling her head on your chest, tasting her lips, the warmth of her hug, or the smell of her hair?
     So to you who keeps on waiting, have courage and never fear. Never fear going after what makes you happy. And if you fail, and you seem to get so tired of running after her, rest. The fire wont burn you if you befriend it. It will flicker for you instead. It burns better if you take time feeding it. Dont stop if you think its worth it. Keep going. Should you succeed, youve just rewarded yourself with the one thing life has been depriving you of- the person you love. So to you who waits, keep waiting.

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