The Second Horcrux Hunt

Start from the beginning

"I certainly did," Harley replied. "While I am sure what you'd really want is a way out, a shortened sentence, we both know the Minister would sooner avada kedavra you herself than see you go free or receive leniency.

"However, I brought you something that I believe will make your time here less of a burden until your execution." Harley reached into her bag and pulled out the final bottle of her potion and placed it on the table.

"What is that?" Lucius asked, eyeing it warily.

"A potion I created decades ago. It eases the effects of dementors. I brought you this so you could sample it. If you find that it works, I will send you a supply to assist your mind in exchange for your assistance now," Harley said.

Lucius stared at the potion for another moment. "How long do the effects last?"

"Depends on the taker. One bottle this size should last at least twelve hours," she replied. "And before you ask, it's not poisoned. I need you for the moment, so if I were plotting your demise, I'd not do it now."

Lucius chuckled. "Amazing. If you were a man, I'd think Severus was the one sitting here right now. Well, when it comes to dementors, I do have very little to lose." He opened the bottle, sniffed the contents, and then drank.

Hiding her satisfaction, Harley sat back in her seat, waiting for the Veritaserum to take effect. If the Ministry ever found out about her continued illegal use of the potion, she'd be in a cell right next to Lucius.

She slid the paper back towards him and then took out more parchment and a quill for her own use. "Now, your turn. What exactly is each item on the list and where do we find them?"

Lucius, pupils dilated and cheeks rosy, began to speak, listing each item and it's location with perfect clarity. "Now, that does not mean they are still in these places. It has been many decades since I have seen them. ...The Dark Lord wanted us to all rise again with him, but some of us refused. Those who refused were killed on sight. Others died in the attempt to make a horcrux.

"I will freely admit that none of us--save perhaps Bellatrix--wanted to make these. We were all wary of splitting our souls in two. Even those of us who had murdered before did not want to taint ourselves like this." He looked up at them and said, "I'm actually glad to be helping you. I will feel better when they're gone."

"Thank you, Lucius. I will have a shipment to you as promised." Harley and Harry stood up, both of them scurrying to escape that oppressive room and get as far as they could from the dementors.

Harley took a deep breath of the cold winter air, clearing her head and her lungs of that dark place. "So bloody glad to be out of there." She glanced over at her brother. "You look like someone stole your cauldron cakes. And it's not because of the dementors. What really happened with Ginny?"

He looked up, wary behind his spectacles. "Why do you care?"

She sighed. "I am your sister, and she's loved you since you were children. What is it?"

"It started because of Albus," Harry said. "And his friendship with Scorpius."

Harley wrinkled her brow. "Old prejudices die hard, do they not? I'll inform you that my godson is a sweet little boy who adores your son. They're nearly inseparable."

He nodded. "I told Ginny it was a good thing that we could put everything behind us. She went on to say that the Malfoys will always be evil. It was a long argument, and it grew from there. It ended with...with..."

Harley waited, a little push of Legilimens telling her all she needed to know. "You told Ginny you loved Draco, not her."

The look of shock on his face was almost comical. "How?"

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