Chapter 19

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Rei's POV

Kiaran held the vial in front of me, as if commanding me to drink its blood-like contents. I reached out, hesistant; I knew not of what would happen if I were to drink the liquid, yet I feared the outcome if I didn't, thus I obeyed. The liquid burned as it trickled down my throat, leaving a numbing sensation in its wake. My limbs felt heavier than before as the medicine spread throughout my body, rendering them useless.
"You should be fine when you awake tomorrow." I watched as he packed the vials within a small pouch; the table cleared off quite quick. Kiaran strode across the room and out the window, not looking back at me. He quickly disappeared in the trees, naught but one of the shadows.

* * *

"Then who has been teaching you to fight? You don't fight like the Seelie; your skills are questionable." Blaike walked beside me, his deep sapphire eyes glowing uncannily in the afternoon light. We had earlier encountered a boobrie- a large water bird- which did not end in the both of us walking away unscathed; my arms were bleeding quite heavily, and Blaike had been clawed in the face, though his injury had healed shortly after it was inflicted, him being fae and all.
"I taught myself by watching other faeries in the midst of battle. Besides, I don't have to fight like the rest of you," I argued; I was afraid that Blaike might know of Kiaran training me, therefore I kept my tone even.
Blaike pondered this, seemingly satisfied with my answer. "I guess that makes sense. Do you need that bandaged up?" He pointed to a large gash on my left arm that was still dripping with fresh blood.
"Oh, I'll- it's fine. I can-" I started at Blaike's warm fingers pulling my arm closer to him so as to inspect the injury, though he and I both knew there was no point in doing so due to his fae sight being far more superior than my human sight. To my surprise, he brushed his fingers lightly across the wound, and in time it was completely healed. "H-how'd you do that?"
       "It's simple, really. The Seelie fae have healing abilities, so we can heal mortal wounds quite effectively." Blaike flashed me a bright smile, causing my cheeks to heat up slightly.
       "How interesting, Kia- I mean, I never knew that. Are you able to heal yourself as well? Wait- never mind, that was a stupid question, there'd be no need." I laughed nervously, hoping he didn't catch my slip up; I had almost exposed everything, which would probably end in my gruesome death.
"Don't worry, I've been told there's no such thing as a stupid question. If there's ever anything that you'd like to ask me, go ahead." Blaike smiled yet again, making my heart flutter a bit, though I don't know why; I'm not one to develop romantic feelings for others easily, so I was sure this was naught but his being fae that manipulated me into feeling this way.
       Smiling in return, I started to turn towards the familiar woods; Verena's house was just on the other side, awaiting my arrival it seemed, for I had not yet completed my daily tasks. "Well, it really was quite an enjoyable afternoon- well, aside from the boobrie attacking us- and I really would like to do this again in the near future."
       "I'd like that." Blaike looked away shyly, as if wanting to do something. I watched him turn and start to walk off, though hesitantly. Content, I began to walk off in the opposite direction, towards the woods. I had just approached the beginning of the trees when someone spun me around, and before I could react- deep midnight eyes being all that I could glimpse, thus it was Blaike- he gently placed his lips on mine, causing me to freeze. Pulling away, he looked deep into my eyes for just a moment, then began to speak. "I'm sorry- I shouldn't have done that. I must go, I've matters to attend to." With that, Blaike left me standing in utter confusion as I watched him leave.

* * *

"I am mortally offended! How dare your refer to me as inferior to your kind! I'll have you know that even I could kill you before you'd be able to blink." Ryouko swatted at the pixie, which led to their extensive bickering; why he was even acquainted with such a creature, I did not know.
"Wait, hold on- what did you say your name was?" The pixie held up a finger, signaling me to wait a moment, thus I sat there, struggling to tune out their argument. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the pixie turned to me while Ryouko sat there looking annoyed.
"Anyways, terribly sorry about the wait. I'm Alden. I've actually heard of you before, Ryouko's always talked about you ever since I first met him. Quite a funny story, really. He had the audacity to smack me away like some pest. I was really quite offended." God, this pixie liked to talk.
"Well that's sorry to hear, but at least you've got me to keep him in line. I'm-" And of course, Alden interrupted me. I hid my annoyance well, though; I didn't think I wanted to find out what would happen if I got him mad.
"Oh yes, no need. You're Rei, I've heard all about you. You know how to fight, I've been told." Alden then flew atop Ryouko's shoulder to perch there, the movement tousling his golden hair. "Say, how'd you learn to fight? I've heard your skills are quite... unique." Alden's tone wasn't suspicious, just curious, and yet, that was what made me panic slightly, though I had no idea why.
       "Oh... you know, just- watching around, other fae here and there, that kind of thing." Thankfully, my tone sounded nonchalant; I was beginning to become an excellent liar ever since I've been here.
"Alden- can you, like, leave us alone for a little bit?" Ryouko glanced over at his shoulder where the pixie sat. Alden obeyed, though a bit apprehensive.
Once he had left us, Ryouko looked back at me apologetically. "Sorry about him, he's a bit... uptight. Loud too." Smiling, he picked at a blade of grass.
       "So... is there any reason you wanted to be alone?" I said carefully; I wasn't sure what this was about, but I hoped it wouldn't be anything troublesome.
       "I mean... not really, I just... feel like I need to stay by your side, in case the Unseelie king really is watching you." Ryouko's smile faded, his face becoming blank. "I've been having this weird dream lately.... I don't really know what it means."
       "Really? Would you mind telling me what it's about? I-if you want, that is." I too began picking at the grass, so as to keep myself busy. These days I felt as if I needed to be doing something at all times; occupying myself helped distract me from the ever present feeling of being watched.
       "Well... it starts out with me running in a forest... there's light at the break of the trees, and I keep running faster towards it. When I get there, there's- t-there's this village, but it's burning... A-and there's this girl that looks kind of like you, well, actually exactly like you... but, I dunno, there's just something... off about her, not like you at all. She'll smile at me, but then she'll disappear like ashes in the wind. But... the strangest part is-" He stopped, a childlike look to his face, vulnerable almost. He took a deep breath. "The strangest part is... the village that's burning... it's this one."
Sorry that the last couple of chapters have been kinda boring, but they really are important to the plot, so I hope you guys like this one at least! Also, thank you guys so much for reading my story, it really means a lot to me! ^v^

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