Chapter 25

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Rei's POV

       A week had passed by, with not much to brag about. I'd mostly practiced my combat skills, but hadn't seen Kiaran since he left me on the trail to the house. I had helped Verena with buying ingredients; she was hosting a special dinner, and quite a few fae were to be invited, many of which I didn't know. I had asked her where all of the ingredients, such as cocoa powder and other luxuries, came from. She told me that there were parts of the fae territory that were unclaimed, lush with fresh fruits, vegetables, wheat, and even cocoa beans in the dense jungles I never even knew existed.
       "I'm heading out. Maybe I'll find something for the dinner while I'm gone." I looked over my shoulder at Verena, whom was sitting cross-legged in one of the plush armchairs in the front room. Her dark eyes settled on my face, warm and friendly, though there was always a strange emotion there in which I could never quite grasp, but chose to ignore these days. "And if you want, I can go to Aeriona for some new swords." Aeronia was the village of the richest of the Seelie fae, and where the most sought out sword smiths dwelled. It was always tempting to think of what they might create next, especially the power one of those weapons could possess. Verena's face lit up, and she nodded vigorously. Laughing, I pushed the door open, the village chatter invading my ears.
The journey would certainly take a while, thus I'd prepared beforehand. I was armed as well, for I would have to go through the forest to get to the cliffs, and I'd heard there was a path leading down to the village, though it was said to be hidden quite well. Pushing the thought aside, I exchanged a few coins for an apple; I would need the energy for later. The fae were lucky, as much as I hated to admit it; they didn't need food to survive. Their only weakness was iron. If Sapphira were ever short of food, any mortals living within would surely die. I had to distract myself with the view so as not to think of it, and what it could mean for Ryouko and I.
       The outskirts of the village were much less dense, much more private and closed off than the rest. I'd just learned I had been staying in the village of Cera, abundant in goods that were often traded for silver. It was surprising to me that I went all this time being oblivious to this information; then again, I was but a lowly human, deemed clueless and slow-minded by the fae. The few houses dotting the meadows I passed began to appear less frequently, meaning I was now in the forest that lay between the Seelie kingdom's territory and our own few villages that were very much separated from the palace grounds.
       The trees completely enveloped me, no sound other than the occasional chirp of a faery bird. I had only spotted one once; their feathers were a splash of bright color, beaks sharp enough to sink into my flesh in a heartbeat, thus I've avoided them at all costs. Just in case. Lost in my thoughts, I nearly missed the flash of scarlet that contrasted with the dark forest. Drawing my blade, I moved forward with caution; I knew not of who-what- lurked in these woods, but I was educated enough to know that whatever it was wouldn't be too keen on sparing my life.
       A cold, menacing laugh stopped me in my tracks. "This is a surprise. You haven't changed since I last saw you." Her voice I could've recognized anywhere. Varicia's fangs were bared, and I could've sworn they were dripping with fresh blood. Her bone-white eyes stared blankly into my own, a wicked smile that could almost compare to Kiaran's.
       Narrowing my eyes, I gripped the hilt of my sword until my knuckles were white. Varicia seemed to notice, for her feral smile grew. "Don't think I've forgotten what happened last time." My words were laced with venom, but she didn't flinch; she just stared at me with her phantom-like eyes. Her crimson hair swirled in the harsh wind that blew through the trees,  resembling blood, and long enough to be able to wrap around my throat until I could no longer breathe.
       "Oh, but haven't you? I've heard it took you quite a while to remember." Her smile was saccharine, voice menacing.
       "Heard from who?" My confusion was much more obvious than I would have liked it to be, and Varicia laughed wickedly. Thunder clouds hung low in the sky, threatening to burst at any moment. The air was buzzing with her power, taking over my senses. I swayed a bit, my vision blurred at the edges. It took every ounce of will inside me not to give in.
       "Do you really want to know that?" Her smile disappeared, replaced with a dark, disturbing look on her face. Her white skin contrasted with the dark forest, despite the time of day.
       I swallowed, my throat burning with the tang of metal in turn. "I said, who. Did. You hear it. From." Teeth gritted, I had to force myself not to plunge my blade straight into her fae heart.
       "Why, the Unseelie king, of course. Who else? I mean, he seems to have taken quite an interest in you." Varicia smiled sweetly, fangs glinting in the fading light despite the storm clouds up above.
       "W-what do you mean? How would the Unseelie king know of-" Her laugh interrupted my thoughts.
       "Are you really that stupid? I see you two together all the time. Just another one of his whores, if I say so myself." Varicia mumbled the last part to herself, but loudly enough for me to still hear. I gritted my teeth. My patience was running thin with her. Rage burning hot inside me, I shoved her hard against the nearest tree, gripping her by the collar of her ratty tunic.
       "Stop playing your damn games with me. Who?" Varicia's lips curled into a vicious sneer, still smeared with some nameless creature's blood. Before she could attempt to escape, I had my sword against her neck, caging her in. Her gaze curious, she looked down to the weapon, laughing to herself as if she were mental. "God damn it, stop playing your games!" I snarled, baring my own teeth.
       She traced the edge of the glittering sword, still laughing quietly. Slowly, she lifted her lifeless eyes to mine. "Do you still not get it?" She continued to run her fingertip along the edge, and I watched her in curiosity. I still remembered the day Kiaran gave me this sword, how it glinted in the sun's golden light. Wait. Something dawned on me then. Kiaran.
       Suddenly it all came crashing down. It all made perfect sense now. How he always seemed to be where I was when I was in trouble, not even if. How Ryouko had said the Unseelie king was watching me. That feeling I got when I was around him, how he was both dangerous and seductive, the way he heartlessly slaughtered any faery he came across for no reason.
       I sank to my knees, eyes stinging, tears threatening to spill. I had known he was Unseelie, that he was dangerous, but I never could have imagined this. My head was telling me it was obvious, that the signs were there all along. My heart didn't want to believe it, couldn't believe it. I opened my mouth to speak, but all that came out was a strangled sob. I couldn't believe that I'd let myself come to care for Kiaran; how would I ever be able to face those feelings after this?
       Sharp nails dug into my chin, and my face was lifted to meet Varicia's cold gaze. Though she said nothing, I understood everything. I blinked, and she was gone.
Ooh, Rei found out! Wonder what she'll do when she sees Kiaran...
Anyways, I hope you guys liked this chapter, it definitely did not go where I'd planned it to 😂
And I hate that I had to write that Varicia's lips "curled" into a smile (or sneer, whatever). If you've seen my comments on one story here that does that EVERY TIME SOMEONE SMILES then you'll understand 😉

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