Chapter 5

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Ryouko's POV

Today was Monday, and I had done absolutely none of my homework. Now I had exactly five minutes to get a ten page essay, a packet of math, and a business presentation done. I scrambled to add slides to my powerpoint, fill in random answers, and type my essay.
"Are you sure you don't want any help?" Bailey-Haley's twin- said.
"I'm- I'll be fine, I don't have much to do anyway." My fingers typed furiously on the keyboard.
"You and I both know that's a lie. Here, I can fill in your slides for business. Have one of your friends do your math, and you can work on your essay." Bailey suggested.
"I just finished my math." I frowned.
"Okay, well get to work on your essay then, you've only got two more minutes left before class."
We both worked in silence. Just two more paragraphs. Come on, you can do this. My fingers flew across the keyboard, a blur of white. I was almost done when the bell rang, signaling the start of class. Crap.
Closing my computer, I scanned the classroom. Not many people were here today; they were probably ditching. It was pretty common, actually. We had a lot of problem students here.
"Good morning class, today we'll be discussing..." I didn't really pay attention during class, I usually zoned out.
I leaned back in my chair, closing my eyes. I didn't sleep much over the weekend, I didn't want to be disturbed by the nightmares that were ever-present lately. So I did homework and played some video games. I'm sure I looked like shit, I always did when I didn't get sleep.
"Ryouko?" The teacher looked at me with a look that said, I know what you're doing.
"Sorry, I'll pay attention." This was a lie. She could tell as well, but the teacher just sighed and continued with her lesson.
       Class was over before I knew it. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and strided out of the room, and into the hallway. I walked quickly, with my head down. I didn't feel like being social much today, not that I've been very social since Rei went missing.
       I stopped by my locker, shoving a few unimportant papers in. I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder. I sighed and turned around. In front of me was a girl, I think her name was Alexa.
       "Hi! I was wondering if you wanted to take a survey on our school lunch?" Her big brown eyes looked up at me, reflecting the dim lighting of the hallway.
       "Um, sorry... I kind of have a class to get to. Maybe later? I think we have a class together, I can do it then." I felt bad for being rude, maybe I would do it. I just couldn't resist those wide eyes.
       "Great! Okay, well I gotta go!" Alexa smiled and skipped back down the hall.
       I shut my locker and headed downstairs to my next class, which was gym. I'm not exactly the most athletic person you'd ever meet, so it made sense that gym wasn't really my thing.
Once I got to the locker rooms, I changed and entered the gym. I went over to where my friend Brett stood. I was a bit taller than him at 5'9" despite his heavier build. He played football and flirted with cheerleaders, the opposite of what I did. I was never really popular, despite a few friends of a higher social class here and there. I had anxiety, so I didn't have the guts to flirt with pretty girls.
"Yo, Ryouko. What's up, man?" Brett said.
"Hey... not much, I guess. A lot of homework." I mumbled.
"Cool. So hey, I was talking to Zoey last night, and she said you were cute. How 'bout that, huh?" Brett elbowed me, a goofy smirk on his face.
"What about it?" I really didn't see why it mattered what girls thought about me. I didn't even like Zoey that much anyway, she was too fake and obnoxious for my taste.
"Dude, she's hot! Why else?" Brett groaned, as if this were important information I should've known a long time ago.
"I mean, not really, but if you say so... Why does it even matter anyway, it's not like she really means that." I shrugged.
"Seriously? Dude, you must be gay, Zoey is like the hottest girl in school. Every guy wants to date her and every girl wants to be her."
"Okay, just because I don't think she's hot doesn't mean I'm gay. And I'm sure there are plenty of guys who can agree with me. Alex doesn't think she's hot." I pointed out.
"That doesn't count, you know Alex! He just says things." Brett crossed his thick arms.
We played dodgeball. It ended with me in the nurse's office, sporting a bloody nose and a headache. The nurse- Mary was her name- insisted that I go home. Aunt May picked me up and drove me back to the house, where I watched movies for the rest of the afternoon.
Bored, I decided to look around Rei's room. Maybe I would find something there. I took a deep breath, and opened the door. Immediately my heart hurt, seeing her familiar room empty. I slowly stepped inside, inhaling the scent of musty air.
Her curtains were closed, and her bed wasn't made. Papers were strewn across her desk, and I shuffled closer, skimming over what looked to be homework and a few of her short stories that she liked to write. My eyes doubled back to a red journal, what I assumed to be a diary.
I reached out for it, but hesitated. I shouldn't be going through Rei's stuff. Maybe I'll find something though. With that thought in mind, I picked it up, skimming though the pages. It's empty. There was nothing in it. I was about to close it when I saw something. I flipped back to where I saw it. It was dated November 3rd. The day before she disappeared. Heart pounding, I began to read.
November 3rd
I've been having the same dream lately. I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean. In it, I'm standing at the edge of a forest. Before me is a village, but it's on fire. People are burning alive, screaming my name, telling me it's all my fault. Hands are reaching out to me, scratching at my arms. And I always see Ryouko, at the other side of the forest. I always think he's there to save me, to take away the pain, but it always ends the same, him just standing there. It feels like there are bugs under my skin, and I can't stand it. I remember peeling the skin off my bones, not batting an eyelash at the agony I feel. And I will never forget those violet eyes that stare back at me from the flames.
I drop the notebook. No. It can't be. I stumble, almost tripping. My heart is pounding, my ears ringing. Rei couldn't have dreamt that. There's no way. Because that's the same dream I've been having.
Ooh, creepy! Hope you liked this chapter!

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