Chapter 13

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Ryouko's POV

I started. That name... this place... it all seemed oddly familiar. "S-Sapphira?" My voice shook.
"The land of the fae. I understand, you must be very confused. I can tell you a few things if you'd like." Aegaea smiled sympathetically at me.
"I've heard stories about the fae, I mean, like old folklore..." Trailing off, I swept my gaze over the sea, the waves reflecting a deep violet.
"Ah, yes, those old human tales... Many aren't very accurate, due to humans having lost their sight to us over the years." She purses her lips.
"Didn't both realms- weren't they one realm once? I think I read that somewhere." I thought back to my limited knowledge of the fae; I had done a project on them for my mythology class.
"Yes, once, though it was long ago." Aegaea cast her amber eyes up to the sky then, realizing the time. "Well, I'm afraid it's getting a bit late. If you just head in that direction," She pointed towards a rocky outcrop," then you'll come across one of the villages. Ask for Esme, she would be happy to take you in." Within the blink of an eye, Aegaea disappeared into the endless waves.
I sighed; I still couldn't comprehend all of this. I absentmindedly traced a pattern into the silken sand, breathing in the night air. Hanging low above the water was a silvery moon, just barely visible behind some stray clouds that had grouped together. The night was silent, not a sound save for the breeze whispering across my skin.
Standing up, I turned to the rocks. I neared the outcrop Aegaea had gestured to, admiring the crystals trapped within. The rock was a crystal itself, awash with the moon's glow; rubies as red as blood and deep blue sapphires gazed through. With a hesitant hand, I reached out. The giant crystal was smooth like glass, yet warm, but not from the surface. The heat emanated almost from within, the air around me buzzing with energy. As I drank in its power, I felt a warm tingling sensation spread through my limbs, numbing the ache. It was intoxicating, addictive; it took me a moment to break free from its presence.
       Suddenly, a thought came to mind: how was I to get past this thing? The rocks surrounding the small beach towered above me, like skyscrapers in a large city. The smooth surface of the giant crystal proved quite the obstacle, and it was then that I was grateful for its power, how it had subsided the pain in my arms and legs.
       My eyes roved over the cliffs, desperately searching for a clear path to safety; though I knew little of the fae, I could practically sense their power, the danger they greatly possessed. I knew not of what lurked in the shadows, and I did not want to find out. Finally, I came across a smaller ledge that was suitable for climbing. I had just barely scaled the rock when I heard a loud splash; my heart stopped.
       Turning around, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest; but alas, my vision did not serve me well, for I could not see anything occupying the water nearby. With this in mind, I breathed deep and continued my journey. I greatly hoped I was heading somewhere significant, for every sound I heard scared the living daylights out of me.
I was at the brink of exhaustion when I thought I saw something. The faintest light peered out from the night, and I slowly walked closer to it. A lantern, I realized. The soft orange glow danced across my vision, the glass warm with the heat of the embers. It was now that I realized that I was in front of a house. I hadn't seen it before; it blended with the darkness, almost as if it weren't there to begin with. I must've arrived.
Once in the heart of the village, I realized no one roamed about. I sighed; how was I to find the anonymous Esme? With a heavy heart, I sat down yonder the fountain that inhabited the square. The water provided a comforting sound, calming me. Further throughout the hour, I dozed off several times. I was not expecting the footsteps echoing through the barren square, given the hour, and I jumped up, alert. Emerging from the shadows was a figure, coming towards me.
"Who are you?" My voice reflected the opposite of what I felt.
Nothing was said as they approached me. Hair like fire framed a white face, emerald eyes ever watchful. Understanding flickered briefly across them, and she spoke.
"I have been waiting for you. Come, now, before the shadows take you." She spoke in riddles, my mind becoming more fuddled.
Hesitantly, I obeyed. For some strange reason, I felt safe. We winded through several alleys before we arrived at a small hut; I could not see much else besides that. Once inside, the faery gestured for me to sit down.
"Who are you?" I asked her.
"How do I not know you have been sent here to kill me? Do you expect me to be so trusting at a time such as this?" She narrowed her eyes accusingly.
"You're the one that brought me into your home, you must know I won't kill you; I'm only human, I've read the stories." I pointed out.
She laughed, a bitter sound. "True, I did bring you here. I've been notified of your arrival, you are to stay with me for the time being. Do you require anything?"
A thought dawned on me. "You're Esme, then. Aegaea told me to find you." I said quickly.
"Yes, she did. It's not every day you hear of a human showing up out of the blue in the sídhe. Especially not twice within just several months. Tell me, why are you here?" Esme cocked her head, a curious tone in her words.
"Well, I don't know. Wait- did you say there's another human here?"
"Don't get ahead of yourself, human. It's just what I've heard, I don't actually know if it's true. Why do you ask?"
"It's nothing." I shook my head.
"Well, there's a spare room just down the hall, you're welcome to sleep there." Esme said.
Once in the room, I collapsed into the bed, utterly exhausted. It wasn't long before I drifted off.
Hope you like it, tell me what you think!

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