Chapter 30

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Rei's POV

I looked back towards Kiaran with a hard glare. "What's going to happen to her?" His face didn't reveal a single drop of empathy, not a hint of emotion on his beautiful face. I continued to scowl at Kiaran as I weakly stood up. Before I could protest, he had backed me up against the wall, caging me in. I was immediately drawn into his vivid eyes, his rose petal lips.
       Kiaran's lips lifted into a sinister smile, both dangerous and alluring. Leaning into my neck, he whispered, "Are you afraid, knowing I'm the Unseelie king?" I shivered, arching my neck at his warm breath tickling my skin.
       Gulping, I took in a shaky breath before attempting to speak. "Y-you didn't answer my question." Kiaran looked at me again, his features the definition of perfection, seductive in every way.
       "What do you think I'll do? Slit her throat? Or perhaps carve out those eyes of hers." He smiled again, a dark edge to his voice, his eyes. I struggled to keep composed, licking my chapped lips before speaking. I couldn't help but notice how Kiaran's smile faded, how his gaze dropped to my lips hungrily.
       "You wouldn't really do that." He laughed then, a dark, bewitching sound that sent shivers up my spine.
       "If you think that, then you don't really know me," he whispered in my ear. I couldn't prevent the sigh that escaped me. "You don't want to know me."
       "But what if I do?" Another audible sigh as I felt Kiaran's lips graze my collarbone, leaving behind a warm, tingling sensation. His gaze met mine once more, something flickering in the depths of his endless eyes just briefly.
       "It's too late to stop you, isn't it?" Just then, a coughing fit racked my starved body, causing my knees to weaken. Just before I could collapse onto the cold floor, Kiaran lifted me as if I weighed nothing into his arms, muttering under his breath. Before I knew it, everything had gone dark.

                                 * * *

       I squinted against the light, forcing my eyes open. I waited for my vision to adjust, and when it did, I blinked in confusion; I was in a room, more like a bedroom. I was laying atop a very large bed with golden sheets as smooth as silk. There were velvet chairs the shade of deep crimson, a large balcony, and a crystal chandelier that hung above the center of the room.
       Looking all around, I observed that I was alone and let out an exasperated sigh. Stretching my legs, I feebly walked over to the large glass door that led to the balcony. Once I opened them, I was hit with the cool evening air, the scent of it tickling my nose. From here, I could see villages in the distance. I wondered what they were like here in Unseelie territory. They certainly wouldn't be welcoming, that was for sure.
       The sky was beginning to darken, the horizon a blazing orange and the clouds tinged pink. No matter where you were in Sapphira, the sunsets were all breathtaking. If it weren't for my current situation, this would be perfect.  I took a moment to think. I wondered what Ryouko was doing, if he happened to be worrying over where I was and if I was okay. I smiled when I thought back to what Alexa said; I would have to tell him about that when I saw him again.
       The air had begun to get chilly, thus I went back into the room.  There was a simple white frock on the bed, and I changed into it with a bit of effort. I collapsed into the bed, my limbs aching. I almost didn't hear the door open. Shifting my head, I glanced at Kiaran, whom had just entered the room. He had a bowl in his hand, and he walked over to the bedside fluidly, setting the bowl down on the small table beside the bed.
       I watched as he sat down in one of the chairs, gaze on me. Hesitantly, I reached for the bowl, my mouth instantly watering at the scent of the savory soup inside. I ate silently, glancing at Kiaran every now and then, whose eyes remained on me.
       "T-thank you." He said nothing. I had finished my soup, so I set the bowl back on the table.
       After several minutes of silence, Kiaran stood. "Where are you going?"
       "I have business, important matters to attend to." His voice was cold, detached. He even made sure to keep his distance from me.
       "What are you going to do to Alexa?" My voice was barely audible, but I knew Kiaran heard me when his gaze hardened.
       "You won't like it." I swallowed, my throat dry and scratchy. A heavy weight settled itself at the bottom of my stomach, making my feel nauseous.
       "Let me see her one last time."
       Kiaran inhaled sharply. "Trust me, you don't want to see this." I shivered at this, but ignored the bad feeling creeping up inside me. Kiaran had gotten to the door, and I jumped up.
       "I'm coming with you." He stood in the doorway, blocking my way.
       "No, you're not."
       "I am, so deal with it. I'd rather know what happens to her that sit in here all night worrying." Kiaran purses his lips, his eyes saying everything. Finally, he gave up, leading the way.
       We made our way through all sorts of hallways until we reached a room that was familiar; the throne room. Guards lined the walls, all stiffening when Kiaran and I walked in. When he took his seat in his throne, he truly did look like a king of death. Unsure of what I should do, I kept to the wall, watching from afar. So far, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I looked over at Kiaran; he was speaking with a faery whose hair and skin were as white as bone. I squinted, and could make out that his eyes were like Varicia's: completely white, devoid of pupils. The faery suddenly caught my gaze, and I looked away quickly.
       Suddenly, a door opened, and in came two guards, dragging a figure with them. As they get closer, my heart stopped for a moment. It was Alexa. They approached Kiaran, and he signaled for the guards to move away. He gracefully stood up, slowly walking to where Alexa stood shaking. Her eyes briefly flickered over to me, and I felt panic rise in my chest.
       Alexa's small voice resonated throughout the room. "P-please... I never meant any harm. Just d-don't hurt me, please." A lone tear dripped  down her cheek, her bottom lip trembling.
       Kiaran chuckled darkly. "Don't hurt you? So demanding." He traced a finger down her cheek, a wicked smile on his lips. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't hurt you."
       Alexa stood frozen. "I-I... please... I never did anything. Let me go, and you'll never see me again." My heart was breaking for her. My breathing quickened; I was afraid for her. Afraid that she would get hurt, that I would see just a glimpse of what Kiaran was truly capable of.
       "I'll make sure I never see you again." It became awfully quiet; it was as if time had suddenly stopped. I could feel Alexa's fear, heavy and oppressing. I could see her face, innocent in its childlike qualities. Her wide eyes were red from crying, her frame gaunt, weak. An expression of terror remained on her face.
       Before anything happened, Kiaran glanced back at me, an unreadable expression on his face. Turning back to Alexa, he smiled once more. I screamed as he tore out her heart.
Well. I honestly have no words.
To those of you who liked Alexa, you all probably hate me now 😂 Trust me, I shipped her and Ryouko too, it kills me that they'll never be a thing, but that's the way things just have to be.
Also, this chapter started out right 😂
Kay_Ro I just know you'll enjoy reading the beginning almost as much as I enjoyed writing it 😂


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