Chapter 4

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Rei's POV

The figure that stood before Verena and I was dressed in a dark brown cloak. I gulped. Was this guy seriously friends with Verena? He was intimidating. I gripped Verena's hand; it was cool and smooth where mine was hot and sweaty. She flashed me a look of reassurance.
       Suddenly, the figure- I'd already forgotten his name- pulled down the hood of his cloak with long, slender fingers. My breath caught in my throat. The boy looked about 18, with piercing navy eyes that seemed to glow. His white hair was shaggy, the silken strands reflecting the golden light of the afternoon sun. He was absolutely gorgeous.
       "Oh, hey Verena. And- why do you have a human?" The boy's full lips tugged into a frown.
       "Oh, I met her back in town. I decided it would be best if you explained everything to her, she's very confused, you know." Verena shot a smile at me, light dancing in her chocolate eyes.
       "Oh. Well, come in then. I'm Blaike." Blaike shot a smile that again made me tear up.
       "Oh- um... I'm Rei?" My voice was squeaky, and I ended up asking a question rather than making a solid statement.
       "Hello Rei. Well come inside, both of you. There's a lot to tell you." Blaike beckoned to both of us, a warm smile on his pale, beautiful face.
As I stepped inside the cottage, I was greeted with the scent of cinnamon. To my right was a room with high ceilings, with one of the walls made entirely out of what looked to be glass. Blaike led us inside it, and I sat down in a plush armchair. I ran my fingers over the soft material. Verena sat next to Blaike, whom was in the chair facing mine about ten feet away.
"So what's all this about?" I asked Blaike.
       "That's a question for Verena."  Blaike's eyes flicked over to her.
       "Well, since she's human, she's confused about Sapphira and the fae and all of that." Way to keep it brief.
       I gulped. Was this real? I pinched myself again, feeling a sting in return. I hugged myself, drawing my knees to my chest.
       "As you know, there is the human realm, and there's here, Sapphira. Both realms have respectively existed side by side for thousands of years. There was a time when Sapphira and the human world were one, but that's not really important right now.
       "Anyway, both realms were one, but your human ancestors became trapped in the physical world. Eventually, humans lost their sight of the fae, but some whom were born with fae blood in them were transported to the sídhe, or faery mounds, and had the ability to fight the fae." Blaike paused.
       That means that I have fae blood in me, and must be able to fight the fae or whatever. I sucked in a sharp breath.
       "Um... then what?" My voice came out as a squeak.
       "That brings us to the present. Here in Sapphira, all of us fae are separated into two groups. There are solitary fae as well whom don't belong to either group, but they tend to lean towards one or the other." Blaike looked towards Verena. It was as if he was silently communicating to her.
       "What are both of the groups?" I was actually a bit curious, and I shifted forward in my chair.
       "There is the light, or Seelie, court and the dark, or Unseelie court. The Seelie are generous, and their intent towards humans isn't one of harm. They live in peace, and are ruled by their queen, Noelani. The Unseelie, on the other hand, are malicious, cruel, destructive, and they crave power above anything else. They tend to kill humans either for their energy or entertainment, and are ruled by their king." There was a sad look in his eyes then, as if he were remembering something.
       No one spoke for a while. Both Verena and Blaike were looking at me with odd expressions on their faces. I think they were waiting for me to say something.
       "W-what one are you guys?" I didn't want to admit that I was afraid to hear the answer.
       "Seelie. Duh, we're too good to be evil!" Verena flipped her hair dramatically.
       I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God.
"You seem relieved." Blaike pointed out.
"Why shouldn't I be? I don't exactly want to be killed." I really didn't. Did Blaike not understand?
"I never said you shouldn't be relieved, but the Seelie are still dangerous," He said.
"Oh... I guess that makes sense." It didn't really, but I didn't want to make Blaike feel bad for not being clear.
"Don't think I can't tell that you still have no clue what we're telling you." Blaike gave me a pointed look.
"Hey! I know perfectly well what you told me, it makes perfect sense!" There was my defensive side. I knew Blaike was right, but I wasn't about to blatantly admit it to his face.
"Then tell me, in your own words. What did I just tell you?" Now he had a smug smile, his dark eyes glistening.
"U-um... can you repeat the question?"
"Exactly." Blaike's smile grew wider, exposing perfect teeth.
"Huh?" I said, confused.
Blaike whispered to Verena, but I couldn't hear what he said. I guess Verena was right when she said humans had terrible hearing.
"Verena thinks you should learn about our kind. The fae come in all shapes and sizes, you see." Blaike stated.
"What he means to say is, there are many breeds or kinds- whichever one it is- of the fae that exist here in Sapphira. Blaike, do you think we need to tell her about all of them?" Verena looked over to Blaike, her fiery braid swishing with the movement.
Blaike looked thoughtful for a moment. "I suppose so, she ought to know."
"Wait- so there are different kinds of fae? Did I say that right?" I'm sure I looked genuinely confused, because Verena suddenly laughed.
"Yes, there are a lot of different kinds. And don't worry, you're saying it right." She was still giggling, laughter making her golden eyes sparkle.
Blaike turned towards me again, opening his mouth to speak, but a loud crash interrupted him. Both him and Verena stood up and dashed to another room, dragging me with them.
"Hey! What-" Blaike covered my mouth with his hands, silently commanding me to be quiet.
Verena emerged from a small room carrying weapons of all sorts: swords, bows and arrows, spears, as well as others I didn't recognize. Blaike tossed me in a closet and shut the door. I landed on my bottom with a painful thud.
I couldn't see, there wasn't any light except for the crack in between the wall and the door. Everything was silent. Too silent. I tried looking through the crack, but the lights out there were off now, leaving me in total darkness.
I was alone. I hugged my knees to my chest, drawing in air. Maybe Verena and Blaike left me here, all alone to die right here in this closet. I shuddered at the thought. They wouldn't do that, they're too nice. At least I hoped they were.
I cleared my thoughts, focusing on my breathing. My heart slowed, and my muscles relaxed. I rested my chin on my knees, closing my eyes. I about drifted into unconsciousness when when I felt hands around my neck.

Hope you guys like the story so far!

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