Chapter 14

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Rei's POV

"You'll be needing this." Kiaran handed me a sword, though by the hilt so as not to burn his fae skin.
Taking it, I admired its beauty, the smooth metal cool. The blade glinted harshly in the sunlight, the colorless crystal now glittering a thousand different hues. The hilt was made of the same stone, deep red rubies set carefully into it. Though the sword itself was not iron, I assumed some sort of iron essence was crafted into it.
"It's beautiful. Why give me something so special? We are but acquaintances." I looked to him, still stunned at why he would give me such a thing.
"You have potential. Why wouldn't I give you your own weapon?" The barest whisper of emotion flickered in the depths of his timeless eyes, though too quick and obscure for it to be discernible.
He stood then, a graceful and fluid movement that made my heart flutter. "We will continue your training tomorrow night, I have important matters to attend to."
"Since when do you consider anything important?" I narrowed my eyes.
Kiaran said nothing, nor did he look back at me as he walked away. I watched him leave, until he was naught but a shadow. I turned back to the sword; it really was quite grand. I could feel its power, warm and soft, caress my skin, leaving behind a tingling sensation. I had resided to that little hut on the border; it was easy to sneak away when Verena was gone. I don't know why I felt like hiding all of this, it was just a feeling I had. All of it felt almost wrong, forbidden. There was something about Kiaran that seemed dark and dangerous, yet I couldn't seem to stay away.
After depositing my sword at the hut, where it would hopefully not be discovered by any solitary fae, I began the long trek back to Verena's house. Though there was no trail to lead me, I had been here enough times that I knew the way by memory, it was ingrained in my head. I really did need a new place that was closer, coming and going took several hours.
      Not much later, the sky was already hued violet. Stars twinkled brightly, covering the large expanse of sky. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end; something was following me. I mentally cursed myself for not carrying a weapon with me, though it was best to keep the sword Kiaran gave me back at the hut. Verena would surely throw me out in the streets and have me executed for associating with Unseelie fae; though Kiaran had never made it a point to mention it, he never tried to hide it from me.
As my instincts took over, so did the little training I had acquired over the past couple of weeks with Kiaran. I knew not to let the fae thrive off my fear, and therefore developed the ability to shove it into the deepest crevasses of my mind, as if it never existed in the first place. Keeping my body turned away from the faery, I ambled off into the trees nearby, sharp branches digging at my mortal skin. I had learned that the trees made for effective hiding places, though I wasn't here to cower in fear.
I knew this forest by heart; I had been so many times. Keeping silent, I led the faery through the dark woods, keeping my ears alert in case it attacked without warning. I inhaled the scent of heady pine, loud enough to hear several feet away; we had arrived.
I made my way carefully to a patch of ferns, painted the faintest silver in the night's glow. Right next to the plants stood a single hardwood tree, its trunk slashed with a single line of white, though the faery following me couldn't see it from this angle. How am I to get my blade, with that faery calculating my every move?
       Slowing my pace, I glanced back; at the edge of my periphery, I could just barely view my pursuer. Before I dived for my blade, all tucked up in the ferns, long strands of blood red hair caught in the breeze whistling through the trees, blowing around gently. How peculiar. Even among the fae, unusual hair colors such as this weren't common.
       Breathing in quietly, I swiftly swooped my arm as gracefully as my human self could manage, my fingers barely grazing the iron dagger that lay hidden, but before I could wrap my shaking fingers around the hilt, a voice stopped me dead in my tracks.
"There's no need for violence." She cooed sickeningly.
I slowly turned, hiding my fear. The faery bared her teeth in a hostile smile; her sharp fangs shone in the moonlight. I shuddered then; her eyes were completely white like bone, no pupils or irises present. Then she spoke again.
"Let's just say I've been watching you." Those white eyes seemed to burn holes through my heart.
"W-what do you mean, I haven't seen you around. I know your kind well, you can't help the temptations of mortal flesh." I spat back, though my voice was unsteady at first.
She laughed then; it finally hit me, she was a baobhan-sith, judging by those vampire-like fangs. "You're wrong; it's that we can resist those temptations that makes us dangerous."
I finally got the plot on track (sort of). Hope you like this chapter!

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