Chapter One Hundred Eighteen

Start from the beginning

It's been several hours and the sun is setting, but Zayn still won't open the bedroom door to let Liam in, Liam knows he needs to get in, needs to talk this out with Zayn. He understands what it looked like to Zayn, but really the girl was making him uncomfortable and Liam is half tempted to demand to speak to the manager of the hotel and have her fired. If Zayn's still not talking to him by morning he decides he's going to, because he needs to do something, and if his husband won't talk to him, that is at least something he can handle. A knock on the door makes Liam jump, before he remembers he ordered room service, ordering all the things he knew Zayn liked in an effort to tempt the boy out of their bedroom. Opening the door Liam gestures for the older man to bring the food in and set it down, "anything else Sir?" he asks, standing by the door. Liam shakes his head, "no, thank you" he murmurs, passing over a generous tip to the man who nods, and quietly leaves the room. Liam grabs a plate and moves towards the bedroom door, "Zee. I ordered some dinner. It's your favourite, you should eat something" Liam calls gently through the door. He hears what he assumes is a shoe, slam against the wood, "fuck off Liam. I'm not hungry" Zayn calls out a moment later. Sighing Liam leaves the plate covered on a table near the bedroom door, just in case, and returns to his spot on the couch.

Liam's in the second bathroom, when he hears the bedroom door open and close quickly, he smiles lightly to himself as he washes his hands, "at least he's going to eat" he mumbles. Once he's back on the couch Liam grabs for his phone, chewing his lip as he dials the familiar number. "Hello..." a voice he wasn't expecting asks, "Josh? Where's Niall?" Liam asks hearing Josh chuckle, "he's in the shower Liam. I'll get him to call you back when he's out" he answers. Liam's about to agree before he changes his mind, this is a friend of Zayn's he's talking to, maybe he can help, "actually, Josh...can I, um. Can I ask you something?" Liam asks. He hears Josh make a confused sound before he hums an agreement, "you know Zayn pretty well,right?" he asks, Josh laughs again "yeah, we've been mates for a few years, why?" he asks carefully. "Well he's currently not speaking to me, and I need to fix it" Liam mumbles, the words making him want to cry. "What did you do Liam?" Josh asks slowly, and Liam can hear him getting defensive of his friend, "it's not what it looked like" Liam defends. "What. Did. You. Do?" Josh asks again, slowly. Liam sighs, "there was a bartender by the pool, who wanted something from me, and she was flirting, and it looked to Zayn like I was flirting back, but I was just trying to get her to leave me alone, so I could get back to Zayn, and now he's locked in the bedroom, and won't even look at me. What do I do?" he whines all in one breath. Josh whistles, "okay, okay. First of all you need to breathe" he coaxes and Liam takes in a deep breath.

"Alright, you calm now, Li?"Josh asks gently and Liam nods, "yes" he mumbles. "Alright if Zayn thinks you cheated on him you're screwed. You need to explain to him what really happened" Josh explains. Liam rolls his eyes, "I've been trying, but he won't even look at me, he's locked in the bedroom, Josh" he groans. "I know, but I have a plan, just sit tight okay?" Josh asks, "Josh, what?" Liam asks furrowing his eyebrows and hears the other lad chuckle. "I'm going to call Louis and Harry, and get them to help, trust me, we'll get you in that room" Josh explains. Liam's confused because he and Zayn are in a different country, how are Zayn's friends going to help. "Trust me Liam" Josh hums and Liam sighs, he really has no other choice, "yeah okay" he mumbles. "I'm going to go. But one of us will be in touch soon" Josh says before he hangs up. Liam stares at his phone in confusion before shaking his head and tossing it aside, taking up pacing the room as he waits.

Liam's phone dings, signalling a text message twenty minutes later, he grabs it to find it's from his mum who apparently was visiting with Trisha and the kids today, because it's a picture of her with the twins, and Bella. Liam smiles and sends her a heart emoji in response. His phone starts ringing in his hands a moment later, seeing it's Louis Liam answers quickly. "You're a real dick Payne" Louis growls without waiting for Liam to say anything, "Louis I, it's not what it looked like, I swear. I love Zayn! He's it for me" Liam yelps quickly. "Oh yeah? You love him? Then why is he locked in a bedroom in Spain, a place he's always wanted to go to might I add, crying because YOU were openly flirting with a woman at the bar" Louis spits. "You haven't talked to Josh yet have you?" Liam asks, furrowing his eyebrows, hearing Louis make a confused sound. "What the fuck does Josh have to do with this? And no I've been on the phone with Zayn for the last hour, trying to convince him that you love him" Louis explains, his voice cold, and Liam sighs. "Harry, just a minute Love, I'm busy trying to kill Liam through the phone" Louis says away from the speaker and Liam sighs again, and feels like he wants to cry. "Josh said what?" Louis says away from the speaker again before he groans, "alright. Harry says, Josh explained it all to him and we need to help you get Zayn to talk, but I swear Payne, you ever make him cry like this again I will end you, and they won't ever find the pieces of you. Got it?" Louis threatens as Harry scolds him in the background. Liam nods "I swear Louis. If I ever make him cry again I'll make myself disappear" he mumbles, and Louis sighs again, "Harry's on it, just hang in there Liam" he mutters before he too hangs up without warning.

Liam's phone rings again almost the second he hangs up with Louis, this time Niall's name flashing on the screen, he presses accept, "hey, Li are you okay?" Niall asks as soon as the call connects. Liam sighs in relief because finally someone that's not yelling at him, "no, he hates me Ni" Liam mumbles, finally letting a few tears slip down his cheeks. "He doesn't hate you Li, quite the opposite actually" Niall soothes, but Liam's unconvinced. "He hasn't said a word to me other then telling me to fuck off, in hours Niall" Liam deadpans and Niall makes a soothing sound. "But he does love you, when Josh talked to him he said that's why he was so hurt right now, because he loves you with everything he has, and you apparently don't feel the same. He's just hurt Li-Li" Niall coos gently. Liam scoffs "he's my everything Niall. I need him. Of course I love him" he mumbles and Niall hums, "I know. And deep down so does Zayn. You two will work this out, just hang in there" he murmurs. Liam sighs nodding, "okay" he mumbles and Niall chuckles, "the boys will help you out, I'm sure" Niall teases and Liam groans, "I can't believe the fate of my relationship is in the hands of Louis, Harry, and Josh" he mumbles and Niall laughs loudly, "I think they're you're best chance right now" he soothes and Liam rolls his eyes as he mumbles an agreement. "I'm gonna go, in case Zayn comes out to talk" Liam mutters after a few more minutes and Niall chuckles, "okay, call me when you guys get home. I love ya Li" he cheers. "Yeah, yeah love you too Ni" Liam mumbles before they both hang up. Liam tosses his phone onto the couch before sinking back down, he needs to fix this and soon, it's only been a few hours and it's already killing him. 

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in years, but I've been sick, and busy and quite honestly just kept forgetting. 
So Zayn and Liam are currently not speaking...but I think I might update again for you guys in a few minutes, because I really don't think I could leave it the way it is with Zayn and Liam not speaking to each other. 
Anyways...let me know what you think 
Until next time xoxo

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