chapter 24-

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Chapter 24-

Draco's P.O.V

I looked down as Amanda ran away from the scene before me, my heart felt like tearing in two it hurt seeing her so upset. I looked to the seat below me at her friends as Ginny tried to run after her weasel caught her arm.

“leave her Gin she'll need time.” he told her.

“she'll need me Ron.” she told him trying to pull out if his grasp.

“lets go back to the common room she will want time to think and when she needs you she will go to the common room.” she stopped struggling in his grasp.

“fine but lets go now just incase shes there now.” she told him walking down the stairs with weasel and the mudblood following her.

“fine and maybe we can catch Harry he'll fill us in on what we missed.” he said mostly to himself since no-one was paying much attention to him.

I needed to be there for her, she needed me and if she didn't I would still be there for her if all I could offer was my presence. I knew where she would run to, it seemed to have become her favorite aswell as it was mine. I started walking away as someone caught my arm, I turned around and face Pansy, sometimes she could be so annoying.

“where are you going?” she asked me.

“for a walk I don't like the scene before me.” which was half true I didn't want to keep staring at a dead body and Amanda was my first priority.

“do you want me to come with you?” she asked slightly purring like a cat.

“no it's fine you go back to the common room and i'll meet all of you back there.” I told her tugging my arm out of her grasp and giving her a small smile so that she wouldn't follow me.

“ok.” she said smiling as I started walking away.

I walked through the hallways pushing passed students who were coming from the field or going there to find out what had happened. I kept pushing through the crowd until it was becoming more deserted and I was making my way up the stairs to the astronomy tower. As I got to the top I looked over to where it was facing the view at a hunched up figure in the corner hugging their knees looking out towards the view.

“Amanda?” I whispered just loud enough so she could hear me.

Amanda's P.O.V

I sat at the corner of the astronomy tower hugging my knees to my stomach looking out at the view as endless tears fell down my cheeks. I couldn't believe it my cousin my strong willed cousin was gone. He was the one who helped me with spells in the holidays if I couldn't do them or anything I needed, he was the one I had fun with and messed around with and tried to pull pranks on him, he was the one who told me that if anyone hurt me he would hurt them even though he was never one for much violence. All in all he was like the brother I never had, the brother I wanted but didn't need because I had him and now he's gone and I have no-one to look after me no-one to help me. I was that deep in thought that I didn't hear anyone come in until I heard them speak.

“Amanda?” it was a slight whisper but it rung out through the astronomy tower. I knew who it was but I didn't want him I needed Cedric. My eyes hit a small rock on the floor and out of anger of it not being Cedric I through it towards the doorway.

“go away!” I shouted at him and fixed my gaze back on the view. It wasn't until I felt a hand on my shoulder my gaze was pulled away from the view.

“i thought I told you to leave.” I whispered.

“you did but right now you need someone.” I looked around at him and saw him sitting there beside me patiently with one hand still on my shoulder waiting for me to talk.

to love an enemy(a draco malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now