chapter 23- the loss everyone felt

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Chapter 23- the loss everyone felt

I woke up earlier than expected it was 6:30 in the morning and even though I came in late last night after my brush with Filch and once again Ginny questioned me where I had been. My excuse was that I had taken a midnight walk, nearly got caught by Filch, used darkness powder to get away, got caught, had points taken of our house and then came back to the dorm. I hated lying to my friends but if they knew that I was dating Draco they would probably judge me because he was Draco Malfoy one of the most sly and conniving people in the school and Harry's worst enemy. He was different when it was just me and him no snarky comments just fun and jokes and like anything else normal couples would be, yeah couples from now on thats what we were however long it lasts but lets just say I didn't want it to end.

Today is the third and final task where Harry, Cedric, Viktor and Fleur would be competing in for the last time. I don't care who wins as long as it is Harry or Cedric one of my best friends and my cousin who could possibly choose between the two of them. I heard stirring and mumbling beside me and as I looked to the right hand side of my bed I saw hair that was covering the person's face but even in the dark with only the lightest bit of sun seeping through the corner of the curtains, I could tell who it was. This was ginger brown hair and I knew exactly who it belonged to.

“Ginny?” I whispered as she began to face me.

“Mmmmm?” was the only response that I got. I pulled my hands up so I had so I had half of her hair in one and the other half in the other.

“if you were going for the scary look today Gin then you totally pulled it off otherwise we should start getting ready, third and final task today and we don't want to be late otherwise we will never be close enough to see.” I heard her grunt as she thought it over in her mind.

“fine but if i'm a little moody we know who we have to put the blame on.” she swung her legs over the corner of the bed and started to guide herself to her drawers to pick out her clothes.

I being the clever one out of the two of us had already chosen my clothes yesterday morning and placed them at the side of my bed. I was wearing a plain red v-neck top with black pants and red slip on shoes with my robe on top. I checked to see if I still had my Harry and Cedric badges on from yesterday.

“come on Ginny if you don't hurry up i'm leaving without you.” as I said this I heard scuttling from upstairs in the dormitory and Ginny appear from the doorway fully dressed.

“finally any longer and I would have though that you went back to sleep.”

“nope wouldn't miss it for the world.” she told me as we left the common room and made our way to the grand hall. When we got there we sat on the edge of the table taking a few slices of toast each and eating them as fast as we could. As I was finished I stood up and grabbed Ginny.

“come on Gin lets go.” I said pulling at her are as her juice in her hand swished from side to side in the glass threatening to spill over.

“you could at least wait till I had a drink.” she told me as she put the glass down and let me drag her out of the hall and down to the clearing where the final task was being held.

where the clearing was there was now finely cut bushes that were to high up for you to see the outline of what it was but it looked like a maze but with no holes for you to enter in. facing the long length bush was sets of seats for students and teachers to be able to sit on. Looking around the seats looked pretty packed and there was hardly any good seats left.

“see told you we wouldn't get any seats.” I told Ginny.

“look there's Hermoine and Ron.” she said pointing at her waving brother and our bushy haired friend as she started walking towards them. I followed behind Ginny as we made our way up the stairs until we were standing in the aisle next to Hermoine and Ron.

to love an enemy(a draco malfoy love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora