chapter 12

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Chapter 12- I love you

Shamus sat in front of me leavings spaces for Dean and Ginny beside us.

"so what was up with them." Seamus asked.

"love birds Seamus, won't leave each other alone."

"and here I was thinking I was first choice."

"me too, arr well looks like we will have to watch them drool over each other again and again and again." we laughed together when we heard people starting to enter the class. I turned around-still laughing- seeing Draco and the dweebs walk in. he looked at me and then Seamus and gave me a glare even though no one was looking at him.

"oh here come the lovebirds." this brought me out of my daydream as I turned around to see Ginny and Dean. I pointed to the seat beside me but she sat on the desk a couple of rows in front with Dean. Everyone else was arriving, I was shocked at what Ginny had done she had never done anything like this before.

"ok class today we will be learning about music players." and with that class had started.

I was trying to concentrate on how a thing called an Ipod could store thousands of muggle music on this one thing when a note landed on my desk.

You and that Seamus?


I looked up and so Draco staring at me. Was he jealous of my friendship with Seamus because we were laughing when he walked in. how could he think that we may not be dating but I told him my feelings last night. Boys are confusing.

I didn't no he changed his name too that Seamus and we are just friends, since first year.


I threw the note back on his table. He must of accepted the fact he was overreacting because I was able to concentrate on what mbs and kbs were in muggle terms. The lesson finished and I waited by the door for Ginny when I felt someone touch my hand, I wanted to keep it there forever but it was pulled away as quick as it was placed there. I opened my hand to see a note.

Prove it


he waited until the end of the lesson until he gave me the note back, but I can ignore it he was overreacting. I met Ginny and we walked to our next lesson.

I sat in silence in my lessons until dinnertime.

"I'm starving." Ginny said.

"me too."

as we entered the grand hall I sat down at to the Gryffindor table. I found my head drifting to the Slytherin table where he was sitting. His eyes met mine but he wouldn't look at me, he was angry and I didn't have a way to solve it.

I was worried all day about the letter he gave me prove it? How could I prove to him that I was only friends with Seamus. I didn't have Draco Malfoy down as the jealous type.

"Amanda are you coming or what?"


"I'm going to the common room you coming?"

"oh now you want me but yeah I'll come."

"I'm sorry about not sitting next to you." I wondered what I would do if I was in her place.

"i overreacted Ginny you can spend as much time with Dean as you want yous are perfect together.

We walked in silence all the way to the common room. I was trying to find away to prove it and make it up to Draco he was jealous I felt sorry for him but no I had to be angry with him how could he think that I would like Shamus in that way. We walked into the common room it was 9:30 and I had the perfect idea to speak to Draco.

"hey Ginny I'm going to bed I'm tired."


"yeah beauty sleep and all that oh and I'm sorry at getting angry at you before."

"its fine night."


I walked into the dormitory and opened Emerald's cage. As I wrote a letter for Draco.

Draco meet me at 1:00 no later at the astronomy tower


I handed the letter to Emerald and off she went, I waited until she came back and put her in her cage before going to sleep.

I woke up at12:30 I didn't mean to go to sleep but I just did. I got up quietly and left the common room and headed for the astronomy tower. I went over to the banner and waited until he arrived, thats when I heard someone cough behind me.

I turned around and there he was with that white hair and beautiful eyes, how could I be angry with him. No I had to be angry at him he overreacted. I looked him in the eyes.

"how could you think that I would like Seamus inthat way."

"you were having a good time together I just thought..."

"thought what Draco that I would end up going out with him."

"i don't no Amanda I overreacted when I saw you with him."

"just a bit I was worried all day you never looked at me at dinner I thought...."

"you thought what?" he was getting closer.

"that you wouldn't like me anymore."

"and how could I do that Amanda?" he was holding my hands now. He came forward to kiss me on the lips, I took my hand from his and placed it on his face.

"at least this time you didn't hit me." I laughed at him.

"that time it was necessary this time it isn't."

we sat in the corner of the astronmy tower. I lay my head on his shoulder and he had his arm wrapped around me.

"what are we going to do Draco?"

"i don't know Amanda." he kissed my foreehead.

I realised I couldn't let him go, that I needed him.

"we could meet secretly." he looked down at me.

"you know like this but like every two days or something."

"are you asking for a secret relationship Amanda Cliff."

"yes Draco Malfoy, yes I am."

"i thought you would never ask." I laughed and snuggled into him closer.

I felt my eyes closing my body was half alert.

I felt someone pick me up and kiss me on the cheek.

" I love you Amanda."

"i love you too." my eyes dropped shut.

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