chapter 10- i changed Draco Malfoy

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Chapter 10- I changed Draco Malfoy

there they were sitting down Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise and of course Pansy she was Draco's one woman fan club.

“well, well, well the two couples and third wheel have arrived.” they were giggling at this.

“leave it Malfoy.” I had to get myself involved.

“what did you just say?” he was standing up now.

“i said leave it can't you go a day without bullying someone.”

“what if I can't whats it got to do with you.”

“everything if its us you bully.”

“i can't help it panda its just so great you make it worth while you always fight back.” Slytherin were in stitches.

Why did he have to be the person in my dream that I felt love for. How could he kiss me so passionately last night and act as if nothing had happened today but no I can't tell anyone.

“really Malfoy your jokes are two years old, just like you.” everyone behind me was laughing.

“How dare you think you can talk to me like that I ought to..”

“you ought to what Malfoy, run to Snape.”

“I ought to teach you a lesson.” he responded

“thats what classes for so teach.” he was annoying me thinking he could tell me what to do.

“fine.” he pulled out his wand just as the crowd broke in half.

“aah of course it would be Mr Malfoy and Miss Cliff no more lesson is being wasted see me after the lesson.” great not only do I have to put up with him acting like this I have to apologize for hitting him last night.

The lesson went by quick I was dreading having to go through the same thing as last time just because of Malfoy and his foolish antics. I looked out around the room and found Malfoys gaze on me, he looked hurt was it because of yesterday.

“class dismissed Draco, Amanda here now.”

Ginny mouthed that she would meet me in the common room after I was finished here.

“why is it every time I enter my potions class when you two are present there always seems to be a crowd surrounding you.”

“its his fault.” I told him.

“i don't want no excuses 10 points of both houses anymore of this and I will take it into further matters understood?” we both nodded and Snape left just as last time.

“I'm sorry.” it came out before I even had time to think it over.


“I'm sorry about last night.”

“maybe you would like to remind me what it is you did last night.” he was oblivious and I found myself getting closer to him.

“i slapped you right there.” I touched his cheek and looked into his eyes he looked in pain so I stepped back so I was a fair distance away from him.

“maybe you were dreaming about me I can't remember anything.” he laughed coldly and left the room.

I saw right through his act I knew he remembered but why was I worried about him.

Instead of going straight to the common room I went and sat down the lake remembering the first time I had dreamed about Malfoy but I didn't know it was him. It was in the exact spot I saw the most dazzling eyes I had ever been met with they looked so kind but why did the person have to be so horrible. I must have been there a few hours as it was getting dark and I had probably missed dinner so I made my way to the common room where I was met by Ginny.

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