39. Before it Breaks

Start from the beginning

"Truly, 'Mitri, I'm all right" I stated, trying to sound more convincing than I felt. I used his nickname because I knew that would at least partially distract him from figuring things out. It was in his nature to be inquisitive, and he was damn resourceful when he wanted to be. Luckily I'd been around for a lot longer than him and had picked up a few tricks along the way.

"What happened down there anyway?" Dimitri asked me curiously "You're both pale and shaky...like you've seen a ghost or something"

"Something like that" I said, trying to make light of the situation.

"Aurora.....tell me you didn't" Dimitri said with an exasperated sigh "You know you're not exactly allowed anywhere near the Veil...."

"Just....drop it, 'Mitri, unless you want to hear things you don't wanna know" I said sternly, passing a hand through my hair and pushing back a few strands that had tumbled messily across my forehead "Now, if you don't mind, we were on our way to visit a friend of mine"

"All right, all right" Dimitri sighed in exasperation, throwing his hands up in defeat "Just....let me know when things calm down. Seems to me like a lot has happened as of lately and I'd like to hear your take on things..."

"Of course, 'Mitri" I promised quickly, standing on my tippy toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek "I'll stop by once all this has blown over, and we'll talk, all right?"

"Now why do I have the feeling that you're just saying that to appease me?" Dimitri murmured as he shook his head, nodding at Remus as the two of us walked past him and headed for the exit. I could feel his eyes trained on me the entire time, but I straightened my back and ignored the stinging pain it caused to my muscles as another cramping sensation nearly crippled me.

A few minutes later we were standing outside the entrance to the Ministry of Magic, and then I was taking a hold of Remus's forearm. I still felt dizzy, and nauseous, and unsteady on my feet, but I'd be damned if I was going to show Remus that. He needed to think that I was okay, at least enough so to the point that he'd let me go to Henry by myself.

We apparated, and I felt the air being sucked from my lungs, the pressure and sensation of weightlessness like a sickening recipe for disaster. It took everything I had not to throw up all over Remus's shoes as we apparated onto the sidewalk of Henry's townhouse.

"Is this it?" Remus asked curiously, eyeing the large estate with curiosity "Does this Henry fellow live here?"

"Indeed" I said in agreement, letting go of his arm and clenching my hand into a fist as I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from hissing in pain. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth, but I ignored it "And I, eh...-I can take it from here"

Immediately Remus's eyes narrowed, and he shook his head.

"No way" he said, gesturing towards the house "Not a chance. I'm coming with you"

"I'll be fine" I tried "Henry's.....a bit quirky. Reclusive, really. Not very sociable. A great healer, but not a people-person. He trusts me, but...he doesn't know you. That wouldn't go over too well. He doesn't take kindly to strangers"

Most of that was a lie, but right now I'd do about anything to get Remus to let me go see Henry alone. The last thing I needed was for Remus to find out how far along this strange pregnancy of mine really was. As far as he knew I was only a few months along, not at all ready to give birth. I needed to keep him as far away from this as I possibly could, no matter how badly I wanted to share all this with someone. 

My thoughts went to the letters I'd written before any of this happened, and I mentally steeled myself.

He knew.

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