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Camila looked at the Arizona sun for the last time as she wait impatiently for Bella to come out with the last box of items. As much she loves being here in sunny Phoenix, she really couldn't wait to go to rainy, cozy, Forks. She preferred being in rain than being sunny anyday of the week.

"You seem happier to go than your sister." Her stepdad, Phil said. She smirked at the comment, knowing it's true. 

Even though she loved being with her mom and Phil, she really loved being in Forks given the fact she visited her dad a lot more in the summer more than Bella. She loved being in a small town where you know everyone rather than not knowing anyone. 

Bella and Camila have always been different. While Bella was the quiet, awkward sibling, Camila was the more outspoken, non awkward sibling. Nonetheless Camila loved her sister and Bella loved her

Camila looked over to her sister and her mother hugging each other. She went inside the car with Phil. Bella and Renee soon joined as they drove to the airport. Bella and Camila looked out the window one last time. They both turned at each other and smiled. Camila put her headphones in her ear and put on her music. Her phone shuffled to the song Bad Things by MGK as she turned over her head and looked out the window and quietly fall asleep.

The plane ride was peaceful. Of course Camila was the one making Bella's ear fall off with all the talking she was doing, not that Bella didn't mind that. Charlie picked the sisters up from the airport, and then droved the rest of the way to Forks. Camila was in the back of the car while Bella sat in the front. They always had a pretty awkward relationship, while Camila had always had great relationship with her father. 

Camila leaned forward between them, "This is a good conversation." She said as she put her hands on her cheeks while batting her long eyelashes at them. 

"So Bella, I haven't seen you in a while. Your hair is longer." Charlie mumbled as she facepalmed herself. That is the dumbest thing to start off with your daughter who you haven't seen in a while, Camila thought to herself

"I cut it since the last time I saw you." Bella mumbled, while picking at her hair. Camila shook her head in disappointment. 

Charlie responded, "Guess it grew it again." Camila squinted her eyes in confusion. She sat back and waited till they pulled to the house. 

They finally pulled up to the house. Everyone got out as Camila smiled at the beautiful house she missed. Bella and Camila got their things, with their Charlie's help of course, and put it inside the house. Camila was the first ran upstairs to her room. She arrived at her room to see she left it like it was last summer. Purple color room, sparkle lights, and brown covered bed.

"I see you went right to your room Cam." Charlie pointed out while putting the last items of mines in her room. Camila smiled and ran to hug him. He chuckled and hugged Camila back.

He let her go and said, "Glad to have you back Cam. I'll let you get settled alright." She nodded as he walked out. She finished unpacking her stuff when she heard a car honk.

Bella and Camila walked out our rooms, looked at one another, and went downstairs. Unlike Bella, who fumbles everywhere she goes, Camila jogged gracefully downstairs and opened the door to see Billy and Jacob smiling at their father until Jacob catches Camila's presence.

"Cam!" Jacob screamed as he jogged in front of the stairs and pulled Camila into a bear hug. Since Camila visited more than Bella, she of course gotten closer to Jacob, their childhood friend.

Camila grinned hugged him back. She looked up from behind his shoulder, to see her favorite old guy, Billy. She let go of Jacob, ran to Billy and to give him a hug. He hugged her back and let her go to see how much she has grown.

"Hey little one, it's great to see you finally living here." He smiled

"I know, I'm excited to be here." Camila said as she turned to Bella who looks awkward as usual. Ugh what will she ever going to do with her? She jokingly thought to herself, but shrugged at her own thought.

"Bella you remember Billy." Camila assured, her hoping she would remember him.

Bella spoke up, "Yeah. Wow you looking good."

"Well I'm still dancing." He said. Camila rolled my eyes joking. "I'm glad you finally here. Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you guys are staying here." He looked at their father as he looked over at his side being shy.

"All right, keep exaggerating, I'll roll you into the mud." He warned as Jacob staring at Bella, hard. Camila again rolled my eyes at Jacob, he has the biggest crush on Bella since they were kids and hasn't shut up about her since. Camila always had a feeling Bella don't feel the same as he do, but she kept that thought to herself

"After I ram you in the ankles." Billy laughing as he comes behind their father. Then they both decided to play around. Jacob comes to Bella shyly.

"Hi I'm Jacob." Jacob introduced himself. 

Smart move Camila thought to herself.

"Hey." Bella awkwardly says while moving her shoulders weirdly.

"All three of us use to make mud pies when we were little." He grinned. Camila scratched her neck as she knew he doesn't know how to make moves with a girl. Camila knew once Bella was coming here to stay, Jacob would be a nervous wreck. 

"Right, no I remember." Bella started off saying as she shifted her eyes to Charlie and Billy. "Are they always like this?"

"All the time." Jacob and Camila answered the same time. They both looked at each other and laughed. Jacob was always the brother she wanted, but never got as her parents split up years ago. "It gets worst with old age." Jacob finished. 

Billy and Charlie came back as he hit the car beside him.

"So, what do you guys think?" Charlie asked the sisters.

"Of what?" Bella and Camila asked at the same time.

"You guys homecoming present."

Camila looked at the fainted red truck that Charlie hit previously. You can tell the truck is old, but have great stories behind it.

"Oh my god this?" She asked as her face lit up from shock and excitement. Bella wore the same expression like Camila's.

"Just bought it off Billy." Charlie shrugged

"I totally rebuilt the engine for you guys." Jacob said. Jacob was always good with mechanics as Camila remembers him fixing her bike one time when they was little. 

Camila jumped in her father's arms and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much dad." She said as she let go of him while checking out the car.

Bella laughed, "This is so perfect. Are you joking?" Jacob was behind her when she opened the car and hit Jacob's leg.

Camila hysterically laughed at this. Jacob grimed Camila for laughing at him. 

"I told you they would love it. I'm down with the kids." Billy said cooly. Camila rolled her eyes at him, pushed his shoulder while she makes it back in the house, since she knew how to drive. She told her 'goodbyes' to Billy and Jacob. She wanted Jacob to get to know Bella since they are all older now. 

Camila got her clothes ready for the day she'll never forget.



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