Chapter Fourty Eight: The Sacrifice

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"Gary, Ji Hyo...I'm sorry to talk to you sternly....I just want you to know that I care deeply for both of you and I don't want anything to happen to you....You both worked so hard to be where you're at right now...why jeopardize your career as well your life.... over something that could backfire on you if you let it be known to the public...I just feel strongly that this is not the time to mention your relationship...give it some more time before announcing it to the world," Jae Suk said.

Gary was going to mention about Ji Hyo's pregnancy but she stopped him by grabbing his arm and shaking her head.  Jae Suk told them that he had another appointment somewhere else so he had to leave.

"Please think about what I said before you do anything rash," Jae Suk said.  "It's my love and admiration for the two of you that I say these things to you...okay I have to go now...bye."  Gary and Ji Hyo thanked him for taking the time to meet with them.  Ji Hyo took into consideration what he said and secretly made plans to meet with him again.

After meeting with Jae Suk, Ji Hyo asked Gary, "what should we do?" Gary did not know what to say.  What if Jae Suk was right.  Everything he worked so hard for could crumble before his very eyes if he makes a mistake in revealing something that the public wholeheartedly wants to hear.  He was worried about the backlash he would receive from the television production team, endorsement companies, family and friends.  Most importantly how would this affect his music career.  Would he be able to adjust to being a devoted husband and father.  His freedom as an individual, an artist is at stake.  Would he be able to live a happy life knowing he would be confined to the daily routines of family life.  He had to take this all into consideration before making a move to go public about his love for Ji Hyo.

Although Ji Hyo worked hard too to be where she was right now, she did not build an empire from scratch like Gary did.  She didn't have much to lose compared to him.  Gary's heart was in the right place and she knew that he truly and deeply cares and loves her but their was the business side of him that she knew well too.  Would she be able to live guilt free, if Gary would sacrificed all he has worked hard for to confess his love for the woman he loves to the public.  Knowing Gary's business side, she felt he would not make that kind of sacrifice even for her.

Gary told Ji Hyo that they would need to think about what Jae Suk said to them.  For now, they will continue to go about their business as if nothing has happened.  They will readdress this issue at a later time.

Ji Hyo was in agreement to this but behind Gary's back, she ended up calling Jae Suk and arranged for him to meet with her privately at a nearby museum.  There she confided her pregnancy to him.

"Is Gary the father?" he gently asked.

"Yes," she timidly said.

"Ah, then we have a bigger problem than I thought," he said.

"He's asked me to marry him," Ji Hyo said.

"What?...did you accept?"

"Yes," she shyly said.

Jae Suk was elated.

"Congratulations!...I'm so happy to hear this...wh..."

"Jae Suk, I love Gary but I cannot have him sacrifice what he has worked so hard for to confess his love for me to the public."

"Ji Hyo this is different, he loves you and wants to marry should be happy...this is great news."

"You would assume he would be happy, that the baby and I would be enough for him but I'm afraid that I will be restricting his freedom to live life care cannot have that kind of life style if you have a wife and child to take care he prepared for those changes?'ve known him longer than I have and you know what I am talking about....he doesn't follow any rules, he lives life with no worries in the can I take that away from him?...would the baby and I truly be enough for him to settle down?"

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