His hazel eyes were wide as he made eye contact with his former friend, his movements seized as he tried to collect his breath. He didn't know that he was there honestly. He was so focused on his phone when he walked past the window and through the door that he couldn't see the man.

"Uhm," Zayn stalled, rubbing the back of his neck as an excuse to leave his dull grey stare. He wanted to talk to Louis terribly bad but the thing is...all he could think about was how bad Harry felt when they broke up. And Niall when he cried over how Louis hasn't made any attempt to contact him.

So with that he stood straight and let his hand fall down to his waist while his eyes met Louis'. "No. I'm fine." He stated, giving him a small closed-mouthed smile before walking off to disappear behind the shelves.

At that point, Louis' heart was broken because of the stupid thing that made him lose touch with his friends and take his vibrant eye color. He wanted to scream. To shout until his lungs ached because he missed the people in his life who came before Catherine.

They were his life. And now they didn't want to talk to him.

He's tried messaging Niall only to get no response and Zayn as well. He didn't even bother with Harry because he's heard of the girl who had taken his place. He hasn't seen her but he knows she must have something going for her if Harry is interested.

He averted his gaze from the shelves that he had been staring at for hours, looking across the street to see the bakery that Harry's mother worked at. He could even see her dark hair from across the street but couldn't make out the warm dimpled smile that she passed onto her son.

He had tried once to go to the bakery during his break, just to check on the woman and fish for information about Harry but honestly he couldn't. All he could think about was how much he wanted to miss being with Harry.

When the part of him to love was taken, it was like the feeling of caring for someone had been stolen. He couldn't love Harry or Niall or Zayn. He can't even miss them. It's just the memory of them and how they made him feel. And that's what he clings onto.

He's tried asking Catherine to change him back but then the negatives of caring crashed into his mind which made him appreciate the way that he is now. Because caring only got him hurt. Every damn time.

His attention snapped from the glass to the counter where a vinyl album cover was placed in front of him. He looked up shyly to see Zayn's impatient gaze. It was obvious that he wished to be anywhere else with his stance and his arms crossed over his chest but he still made eye contact with the lad.

"The XX," Louis hummed, grabbing onto the vinyl cover with a sensitive grip. He raised the object to use the price gun, wincing at the loud beeping sound that occurred after it was rung up. "I heard it's a good album."

"Yeah, me too." Zayn dryly replied, taking out his wallet as he waited for the price.

"Uhm, that's going to be $13.75." The grey eyed man coughed, placing it into a plastic bag while he waited for the dark haired man to pull out $15.00.

"Why don't you just make it to $15.00?" Zayn mumbled, placing the money onto the counter instead of in Louis' out-stretched hand.

All the man could do was shrug as the cash register dinged, showing him all of the money inside. "Your change is $2.25." He sighed, collecting the amount needed. He then passed it onto Zayn who merely shoved it into his pocket. "Zayn," Louis exhaled, hoping that the man would at least say something to him. Anything.

"Can I have my bag?" Was all he said, motioning to the plastic bag that was still in Louis' hold.

"Listen to me. Please. Just give me a chance to explain." He begged, still holding onto the bag because that was the only way he could get Zayn to stay. He really just wanted to be around someone other than Catherine. To have someone else to reach out to when the time came.

"You've said enough."

"I haven't said anything."

"Exactly." Zayn snapped, glaring at him through glowing gold eyes. His body was on fire as he sent arrows through the man he used to call his friend. He wanted to be there for him. He truly did but there were too many things that were holding him back. "You are the one that stopped talking to us. You ignored our messages. You ran back to that witch you call a friend and you chose her over us."

"But why did I have to choose?" Louis cried out, clenching his jaw because Zayn was right. He did ignore their messages because he couldn't talk to them. Not when he was an emotional wreck after Harry.

"You did that to yourself when you broke up with Harry." The dark haired man cracked, running a hand through his hair because he didn't want to be having this conversation. "Give me my fucking bag." He demanded.

"You don't know what it was like." Louis sniffled, rubbing at his eyes furiously because all of the emotions that he had been pushing back were surfacing. "I couldn't show that I loved him, Zee. He loved me so much. And all i could do was fake it. I hated it. So much. I miss the warm feeling I got in my chest when I was with him and how happy a simple smile on his face would make me."

"You dumped him after two weeks, Louis. Someone who was there for you through every cut and bruise. He almost fought Liam for you. He was a wreck after you left. And you didn't care. And you were happy with that. Absolutely fine with it. As long as you had Catherine, right?" Zayn smiled, tilting his head in a way that showed he was done with this conversation.

With that he snatched the bag from Louis' hand, not even bothering to make eye contact with the man who was shocked as he stormed out of the store with tight fists by his side.

Louis thought it would be over until he saw the flash of blonde that had ran into Zayn's chest, causing him to stumble back. Come on, he mentally groaned as he saw Niall's orbs worriedly meet Zayn's. his hands went to grab at his shoulders cautiously, his lips moving as he spoke words that Louis couldn't hear.

All he saw was Zayn's head shake before he was rubbing at the back of his neck with his free hand. Niall's face was in the man's sight range, revealing how clear his skin was and the noticeable butt-chin that he was always mocked for.

He looked fine. Better than fine actually. Well rested and acne-free. He was dressed in the same attire as Zayn, a dark purple button-up with jeans and sneakers. He looked great. At least in Louis' mind.

He continued to watch the two, taking note on how they were having a full conversation until Niall's bright blue eyes looked through the glass to meet Louis'. That's when his breathing stopped.

He gave the blonde man a small smile to which he reciprocated shyly, looking down at his shoes before pushing lightly for Zayn to continue walking.

They were gone in a flash, making the small man crumble down onto the floor in a tight ball as he cried softly into his knees that were pulled tightly into his chest. All he wanted to do was cry and cry until his eyes were sore and he was numb but the chime of the bells on top of the door had made him freeze.

"Hello?" A female voice called, making him roll his eyes because he definitely didn't feel like helping anyone. He wanted to go home. But his home was being shared by a woman who didn't know Harry the way he does. Well, did.

"I'll be with you in a second." He replied, sniffling repeatedly before wiping his eyes and practicing a fake smile on his face as he stood to his feet and rounded the counter.

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