In the Beginning

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Well, here it is, the story many of you have been waiting for. First, I want to thank you for your unwavering support. It gives me the courage to pursue a dream that's hard to come by and reminds me why I write. 

I know many of you were left wanting more with the ending of the third Trinity book. Many of you have asked if there will be a fourth book. I'm going on record today to say there will be one final book, a flash forward of the future with Fallon and the twins. I just hope you aren't sick of the characters by then!

Second, I want to thank you for waiting so patiently for In the Beginning. I wanted this to be the best possible product so as not to let you down. I have to say I'm very excited to share this book with you.

Finally, I want you to know just two things about this story. This book was so hard to write. Not because I had writer's block but because I grew attached to Simeon and longed to give him a happier ending. And most imporant of all, this book is about adults. That means it's going to contain some graphic scenes, including those related to the characters' intimacy. It will not be the innocent fumblings of the teens that you're used to reading from me so I want to prepare you now. You'll see it coming in the applicable chapters so feel free to skip ahead if that's not your thing.

Love to all of you and happy reading. Speaking of love, I love your comments, good or bad. They let me know how you feel about the story, which I rely on to make me a better writer.

So, here we go...

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