The Boner Club

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ok .w. another chapter for ya ^^ only one today. hope you all are enjoying it so far. also let me know if you'd like to see something happen when she wakes lol I'm always up for opinions ________________________________________

Frisk Pov:

Walking up the next morning I groaned in discomfort. I had slept with my gun at the ready all night in case G had came in. Rolling to the side of the bed I sat up "well frisk girl welcome to hell" I said know living with this damn ass of a skeleton would be a living hell. Going to showering I got ready not wearing my uniform not wanting to be out of place.

Today was the day I had to go to G's club and make sure no one was messing around with drugs and other stuff. The thought of having to go there annoyed me, but what annoyed me more was that G would be there. Slipping on a pair of skinny jeans and a stripped blouse I cringed at the thought of having to go down stairs where G was.

Taking a breath in I started down the stair, trying to stay quiet to at lest have my morning coffee in peace with out the ass-hole bugging me. Of course that was short lived " hey doll face, if your making breakfast Id love some" G said from the living room.

I grumbled and walked into the kitchen. I wasn't planning on cooking anything but I guess I could. Even though he pissed me off my cowmen currency kicked in since he was a guest in my home even if a unwanted guest.

Making my coffee as i made bacon and eggs for both of us of course I looked at the time " still doing good for time" i said looking towards the living room " hey come get your own food I'm not your maid" I yelled.

I heard him chuckle " wouldn't mind seeing you in a maid outfit" he said rubbing the back of his boney neck as he walked into the kitchen " doll face you can cook that a surprise" he said poking fun at the fact i arranged the bacon and eggs like a smiley face.

-time skip to at the Club-

We pulled up to the club and I parked. G had been grinning ear to ear the whole way there...well if he had ears. I got out of my car " just show me to your camera room and i'll just stay int here" I said grumbling as G unlocked the door and we went inside.

"just down the hall and two the left...." he pointed " I'd rather and you on the floor watch the show doll face" he said seductively winking at me. I gumbled my blood boiling as i turned and walked off " I'm good" I said walking down the hall. I could hear him whistle as I walked making my face go bright red and my anger spick. How dare he whistle at me.

I whipped around to yell at him as i reached the door but he was gone. Sighing to my self i sat down in front of the computer screens and pulled out a pen and note pad and my hand cuffs and badge in case i needed to apprehend anyone. As the day went by I say there watching the people come in and out of the place.

I flipped through the cameras checking each section of the Club. Soon i landed on the stage where G was which i could clearly hear all the girls screams from all the way back here. As I watch the cameras I could see G looking up at it as if he knew i was watching giving a wink and his eyes on the camera the whole time he did his dance.

My face was bright red as he licked his lips with that yellow tongue of his. Growling angerly at the camera with a bright face I switched frams to the bar and leaned back. As I watched I could see a few female humans with some sort of white stuff talking to each other and pointing to one of the monsters in the club.

As I watch I seen them drop some of the powder into a glass that looked to have some sort of bozz in it. Following on camera I watched them walk over to G's stage and call him over to them "oh no don't tell me.

The drug that had been brought into the club was a date rap drug strong enough to knock out monster. Was that why when I found G when i got there the other day he was shirtless pants undone and bruised. Getting up I ran to the main floor looking around for those girl. I was a cop after all and even though i hated G drugging someone was against the law.

Looking around i spotted them standing over at G stage with the bone ass him self sitting on it. They where talking with him and offered him the drink. I could see him chuckle and took the drink bringing it to his lips.

I bolted towards them hoping to get there in time before he drank it but of cause a little to late as he drank it back in one go. " G no that's been drugged" I said him looking at me shocked " w-what are you talking hic about dove" he said his balance off centre now. " you girls are in trouble" I said flashing my badge and hand cuffing the two girl and calling for a pick up.

It was late in the day already and the place was picking up but G was in no shape to stay. I kind of felt sorry for him but only a bit. Walking back over to him. He looked up at me and tried to stand ended up leaning on me to stay up " hey doll face don't think this means hic* i owe you one" he said sluring his word. I shock my head and walked over to the flame headed bar tender and ask if he had a key to close.

Which happily he did so which that I walked back over to G and pulled him to his feet " come on" i said annoyed "where w-we going" he said tedereing. "your done for the day" I said walking him out trying to keep him from falling over. G was sure tall and heavy which made trying to help him out of the club hard specially with all his fan girls around.

Once I got him to my car i went to walk him around to the passenger side and he pined me against the hood of the car " you sure your not just trying to take advantage of me doll face" he said his knee in between my thighs " no those girls drugged you and now I'm taking you back to my place to rest" i said my face slightly red as he shifted his leg rubbing against my lower half.

My anger level was pretty high as I pushed him off and pulled him into the back seat since I know trying to get him in the front passenger side was not going to happen.

Opening the door to the car i went let G go so he would just fall into place he grabbed me and i went with him pining me down " G not now come on" i yelled his yellow eye glowing as the door to my car shout behind us " I may be d-drugged but doesn't mean I don't w-want fun sweetcheeks" he said giving me yet another nickname which made my face blush.

He had me pin under him in the back seat of my car " G there no time for this plus i don't want to do anything with you" i said growling at him.

I lifted my knee and got him right int he pelvis which oddly work him rolling onto the floor of my back seat as I slide out of the back and closed the door. I got into the front seat and started the car and spead home.

Once home i got him into the house with some trouble and oddly enough I unintentionally took him up stair to my bed letting G flop onto the bed but yet again getting pulled down which i was getting very tired of happening "stay and snuggle" was all I heard before he passed out he face in my breasts and holding on tightly " oh gezz G" i said smirking slightly my self.

He seemed a lot more timid when drugged up but i guess anyone would. Sighing i gave up trying to get him off and just turned off my lap and went to sleep there held in his tight grip. my heart beating fast as the thought in my heat spon

...hes kind of cu....



ok so ^^ I want to dedicate this chapter to a really good writer that inspired me to start writing this with just her own fan fic  (( )) ^.^ I very much enjoy her echotale fic and its what made me decided to do my AU hehe thanks

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