CH 44

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I sat in a smaller throne beside and a little behind my father's so the attention would be focused on him rather than me. Most of father's court, including the various foreign diplomats that lived in the castle were in the throne room, creating a low hum throughout the room as they talked with each other. I gave a small smile to Theo who looked very uncomfortable in his Irish outfit beside his uncle Niall.

Harry stood behind my father and I to fetch refreshments or whatever else we might need as Liam sat in a desk, with parchment, quills and inkwells, off to the side ready to record the events as they unfold, secretary work was beneath Chancellor Culpepper's position now even though he was present beside Harry, ready to offer advice to my father. "Announcing King William of Normandy!" a crier shouted at the top of his lungs.

A tall, proud man strolled in wearing traveling clothes, however they were tailored beautifully. "Imperial Highness" he said with a bow. "Forgive me, I'm caught...horribly off guard by your presence here" Father admitted. "I'll make it short then" he said as he reached inside his coat.

Crownsguard were on him in an instant, thinking he was pulling out a dagger no doubt but instead what he held in his hand was a scroll "Give this to your Emperor" he said, unphased that he was staring down the blade of no less than half a dozen guardsmen.

Father took the scroll and used a small knife that Harry offered to break the wax seal "I, King William of Normandy, hereby forfeit my rights to the land, people and sovereignty of the Kingdom Normandy, so given to me by God. I transfer these rights to Emperor Louis of Britannia..." father's voice was drowned out by the sudden whispers and voices that arose from this news.

"What is the meaning of this?" Father asked. "I'd rather be a commoner than let Charles have Normandy, you have the resources to protect Normandy, I don't. I heard about the deal you made with Ireland, Scotland and Wales and was hoping...there was room for one more" William said. "Emperor Louis, reject his offer. Accepting his offer will go against my master's wishes of a united Francia and will most likely place you two as enemies" the diplomat from Champagne/Francia said in a loud voice to be heard over the buzz of the room, stepped forward from the crowd.

"Britannia's economy is suffering due to your master's war, Monsieur Delacroix, he promised that he'd be able to feed my troops, so tell me why I'm spending more on feeding my troops than bettering the lives of my citizens?" Father asked. "Well there have been several unplanned expenses, siege equipment and the engineers used to operate them were more expensive than originally planned..."

Father stood up "Liam, call an emergency meeting of Parliament for tonight, we shall discuss this then." "Be very careful, Roi Louis, the next decision you make can make my master a steadfast ally for the rest of your life or your worst enemy until the end of days" the Frankish ambassador said. Father ignored him and walked out of the throne room.


Henry's POV

"What do you think your father will do?" Theo asked as we kicked around a soft leather ball in the gardens. "I'm not sure, I know that for the last ten years or so Father has grown sick of this war so he might accept to bring the end closer but he's a very honorable man so I'm not sure. I think he'll leave it up to Parliament and go from there" I said.

"Why aren't you in Parliament anyway? Your father, Harry and Uncle Niall are all attending." Theo asked. "Because me and Responsibility don't actually get along very well, you know that" I answered as I kicked the ball behind him and scored a point. "What are you going to do when you take your father's place" Theo asked. "Cry" was all I said with a cheeky grin.


Louis POV

I stared at the piece of parchment in front of me, all that was needed was my signature and seal. "Babe?" Harry asked, pouring me a mug of beer. "I don't know what to do" I admitted "Britannia's treasury is near empty but I don't want to raise taxes again. King William had papers that showed how wealthy Normandy is but is it worth risking Charles' anger?"

Harry walked over and kissed me "Louis whatever you choose, just know that will always support you." I smiled "I'm sorry if I say I need you, but I don't care, I'm not scared of love. When I'm not with you i'm weaker, is that so wrong? That you make me strong" I said as I grabbed a quill and signed the piece of paper, making Normandy part of Britannia.

Two months later, the Frankish diplomat was recalled and a letter was given to me. Francia and Britannia were now at war.

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