CH 21

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We spent most of the day in that tent, bound. Eleanor and Harry tried several times to become free but the rope seemed to be made partially of leather so the bounds couldn't be cut without a proper knife or something. Near sunset a cloaked figure came into the tent and used a knife to cut our binds.

The figured took the hood off of his cloak and I was surprised to see Erik underneath. "You must escape, when the morning comes Doncaster will be erased from the earth but you must survive" Erik said "Three horses are waiting for you right outside the camp to the west; I'm sorry about capturing you but many of my brother's loyal supporters are here so I couldn't help you." Erik took out some uniforms and handed them to me "In an hour there will be a bell and the guards will rotate, that will be your chance to escape".

Erik went on "You must escape Britannia, young Prince, as my brother is starting to insert spies within your circles like Sven and sooner or later he will find you again. You must flee the islands and come back later with enough support and men to start an actual war; I'll try to keep in contact and let you know what's going on". Before I could say anything Erik left and Eleanor started dressing into the uniform seemingly uncaring that she was undressing in front of two men.

"Where would we go if we have to leave the islands?" I asked, Eleanor quickly answered "Ireland would be the next logical step but if Erik is right then it'll only be a matter of time before you're found there, even though Norway doesn't control Ireland".

"What about Iberia?" Harry offered. "Spain? That's an interesting choice" Eleanor said thoughtfully, when she saw the confused look on my face she said "King Antonio of Iberia and your parents were close allies; your parents actually helped Spain conquer the kingdom of Portugal and create the nation of Iberia, in thanks King Antonio gave Britannia the city of Gibraltar and all of the trade income that the city produces. We could flee there since you do, technically, own that city".

"The hard part is going to be getting a ship through the Norwegian ships that sit in the channel; that's the reason we haven't been able to contact the others Kings and Queens of Europa since our ships from Hull are always intercepted" Harry said "If we are going to avoid them then we might be forced to sail all the way around Scotland and Ireland and hope that the Atlantic ocean doesn't tear the ship apart".

"It might be smart to just head to Hull straight from here then and board a ship before the Norwegians even notice we're gone" Eleanor said. "No, I won't abandon my people" I said firmly. Eleanor snorted "So, what, you're going to have one last stand at Doncaster? Some great honorable last battle? Louis-" "Eleanor" Harry interrupted "You made your point, please speak to the Prince more respectfully". Eleanor sat straighter, offended "My apologies your Majesty".

Even though Eleanor was offended she still did her duty and with Harry's help, the three of us safety got out of the camp and quickly found the horses Erik promised. Within an hour when we were riding back to Doncaster, we were set upon by a patrol, thankfully it wasn't a Norwegian patrol but one of mine looking for me. Eleanor explained everything as we went back to Doncaster as fast as our horses would take us and we were ushered to the castle just as quickly once we arrived at the city.

I wasn't even in my room for ten minutes before Sir Panzer and Culpepper entered my room. "Is this true? The Norwegians are going to lay siege of Doncaster?" Sir Panzer said, a lot calmer than Culpepper was who was wringing his hands. I nodded and he looked out over the city "Let them come, Doncaster has stood proud and free for centuries; we need to evacuate you though, Prince. Worry not for I shall keep this city free and proud for your return" Sir Panzer said, turning back to me.

"I'm not leaving" I said, not unless everyone can be evacuated as well. Several thousand people are within Doncaster and I won't allow them to die while I escape" I said. "Let discuss this tomorrow; you've had a long day, Prince Louis, and you're not thinking straight" Culpepper said. "I've already sent a letter to Hull to prepare a ship for us Louis" Harry said, walking into the room "We'll have the option to flee at the very least".

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