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After lunch, Harry Niall, Liam and I went back to my room to play cards. "So Niall" Harry said with a smirk "A good looking lad like you must be in a relationship, right?" Niall turned red "Well no, I've been too busy trying to keep the peace back home; I told you, Louis, that my brother and I decided to rejoin Britannia but we'll face heavy opposition"

Niall sighed "I was the one appointed by the King, my brother, to come to a diplomatic agreement agreement with Britannia but the Taoiseach would never agree to reunification; that problem is the main reason why I'm here: to buy my brother enough time to convince the Taoiseach...or prepare for war. My brother and I decided to rejoin Britannia before I even left Dublin". Niall stared at his cards "There will be civil war, the Taoiseach will not give up their newfound power so easily".

I exhaled loudly "No wonder you didn't want to talk business before". Niall gave a sad smile "A throne isn't a very comfortable chair. I can't even trust my countrymen, each one that came with me is reporting everything I'm doing to their master. I have no friends here." "We'll be your friends" Liam blurted out with a smile and turned red when Niall looked over.

"So what do we do now?" I asked Niall. "We need to stall, to buy time for my brother either to raise armies or convince the Taoiseach" Niall said, matter of factly. I tapped the table as I thought "I can send some Shadows to Ireland and try to find allies among your people and send them support; right now we're overflowing with gold from taxes and gifts". Liam leaned forward "I'm sorry Louis but I don't think that's a good idea; most of your Shadows are keeping an eye on the Norwegians and we need that gold for the future".

"Plus I wouldn't ask you to do that" Niall said "It's far too dangerous and if they are discovered it would only make the situation worse. I'll keep you informed about the situation back home but I think Ireland has to deal with this herself". I shrugged "Well let me know if you need anything. Going back to wasting time though, how do you want to do that?"

Niall smiled "I've already thought of a plan; I will put on a show for my "friends" and refuse to rejoin but to avoid putting you on the spot I'll storm out. And we'll just repeat this process every so often, changing it up so it doesn't look staged". I chuckled "Wow you've really thought about this huh?"


That night I was sitting in my room reading a book, while Harry was out training with Eleanor when Culpepper knocked and entered, I glanced him but continued reading since I was in the middle of a good part; Culpepper would wait for me until I was ready, once I had him wait for like half an hour just to see how long he would stand there.

I finished the part I was reading, closed the book after putting a feather between the pages to mark my spot and looked at Culpepper. "Highness" Culpepper said "I just a letter from the Czar of Russland" he said before pulling a letter out of his coat and handing it to me "It says that he will support your rebellion by sending us troops, weapons, supplies and money".

I scanned the letter "And what does he want in return?" I asked. Culpepper sighed "Absolutely nothing, that's what's troubling. Russland is planning an invasion into the Norwegian territory of Finland and the Czar says that forcing the Norwegians to fight on two different territories will bring the war to a swift end". I put the letter down "Then why do you look so nervous Culpepper, everyone wins right?"

"Sire, the Russians are known for being...umm...crafty. I fear that if the Russians come then they won't leave and we're back to where we started; plus getting too involved with the Nordic nations is not a good idea. The Nords are pagan, they believe in their old gods and reject the god of Christ; if the Vatican hears about you working with them, the Pope might excommunicate you".

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair "Dammit, can't anything be simple anymore?" "Simple is not a word in a royal's vocabulary" Culpepper sighed.


Harry's POV

I was laying on the cool grass, breathing heavily as my arms felt they were on fire. Eleanor and I just finished sparring with weighted wooden sticks and she was ruthless as usual. I looked over as I heard hooves plodding down the path toward the castle, a carriage was arriving; Eleanor looked at me and bobbed her head in the direction of the carriage. Heaving myself to my feet I jogged to meet the carriage at it arrived at the castle gates, this was definitely my least favorite job about being a Shadow, but Eleanor said that I had to know everyone that visited.

"Welcome to Doncaster" I said as I met the carriage at the same time as the door opened and a guy stepped out. A little older than I or Louis, this guy seemed to be in his early twenties and wore clothes that were far too tight; the cloth of his shirt strained against the broadness of his shoulders and chest, which weren't even that impressive; Liam had bigger, more muscular shoulders and chest than this guy. That concerned me though was that this guy's pants hid nothing about him, they hugged his butt tightly and the imprint of his manhood was clearly visible. The disgusting part though, was that his clothes were made to be like this; other than being far too tight they were very well made and very clean.

"You must be Harry, the Prince's green-eyed lapcat" the guy said as he extended his hand "I'm Peter". Peter was fairly unremarkable other than his clothes, he was good looking but not gorgeous and he was just a little taller than Louis, his black hair was slicked to the side with animal fat, giving him a professional yet fun-loving look. "I don't know know about lapcat" I chuckled "Are you moving in?" I asked, looking at the various chests that were in the carriage.

Peter nodded "Yeah, my father has written a letter to the Prince explaining everything" Peter said as he took out a letter from his pocket "May I give this to the Prince in person?" I nodded "Sure, follow me". We usually checked guests to Louis for weapons but this guy's clothes hid nothing. 

A lot of people's first reactions when first arriving at Doncaster was to stare at everything since Doncaster was second only to the White Castle in London in terms of brilliance. Peter though seemed more interested in me than the castle, and not in a friendly way; out of the corner of his eye he seemed to be sizing me up or something. Peter was friendly enough though.

When we arrived at Louis's room we found him sitting in front of the fire with a book and an open letter on his table. Louis glanced over and his eyes immediately went down to Peter's crotch; I couldn't even blame him, Peter's clothing choice was bizarre. Peter however didn't seem to mind and in fact flourished under Louis's gaze, he adopted a confident yet relaxed stance that somehow just brought even more attention between his legs.

"Hi?" Louis said, closing his book. "Highness, I'm Peter from Cornwall" Peter said as he stepped forward and offered Louis the letter from his pocket "I'll be your newest resident and I look forward to making...your acquaintance" Peter said in a soft voice that immediately made me jealous. If this guy thinks he can just walk in here and mess with my Louis, he'll regret it.

Louis finally looked up into Peter's eyes "Thanks...likewise...well I imagine that you're tired from traveling so I'll just allowed you to retire to your bedroom; Harry please show Peter where he will be sleeping". "Actually Highness may I trouble you for a drink? My throat is as dry as the road" Peter said; I immediately went over to the pitcher inside of Louis's room and discovered it was empty, of course it was.

Eleanor wasn't around which meant that I had to leave Louis alone with that creep. "I'll be back" I said before placing the pitcher back down and walking over to Louis. I completely caught him off guard with the deep kiss I gave his lips. Louis just sat there, stunned as I got up; turning around to pick up the pitcher again I smirked at Peter as I walked out with the pitcher in my hands.

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