CH 9

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Harry's POV

Liam and I were jogging through the tunnels, he was running easily, I was already breathing hard and sweating even though we just started; I was a baker, I wasn't used to all this physical activity like Liam was. The only physical thing I had do too was knead dough and it really didn't require that much muscle strength, just patience.

We followed painted arrows through the maze; Liam kept easy pace with me even though I was wheezing and feeling like I would keel over and die at any second. Liam never left me even though the slowest usually got punished with more physical activities, like more running or even push ups. "Were in this together" was all he said when I asked him about it earlier.

When we finished running, I collapsed on the floor of our training area; waiting for Simon to start a speech of how disappointed he was and telling us to get up and run the course again, but it didn't happen. Raising my head I saw Eleanor, the new Knight-Commander of Louis's guards talking with Simon, as if feeling my eyes Simon looked at me and clapped his hands together "Well since we're all here, I have some news: In his infinite kindness and generosity, the Prince has requested the Shadow initiates serve at his party".

Simon continued "This will be a great opportunity for you all to learn how to, in a sense, spy. After your training is complete there is a great chance the Prince will once again send Shadows out into Europa to watch the other Monarchs..." I stopped paying attention to what Simon was saying as I watched Eleanor casually lean against the far wall with her hands at her side; I watcher her "scratch her hip" but I knew that she was slipping Louis's folded letter into a crack in the stone. Eleanor and I couldn't be seen together very often or it would be suspicious, so that crack in the stone was where we traded letters.

Eleanor left without saying anything to Liam or I as some people walked into the room carrying several jugs and setting them on the table "Ok so there is a right and wrong way to pour" Simon said as the people left 'Spills and splashes are completely unacceptable especially when serving hot drinks..."

The rest of the day was spending learning how to serve and Simon told us that after this we would learn the more interesting stuff: how to avoid questions without seeming like you're avoiding them, how to listen to conversations without giving yourself away, and how to lie.

When everyone was getting ready to sleep I walked over to the wall and pulled out Louis's letter before going to my bed and reading it; thankfully I was facing a wall so I could read Louis's letters and reply without being seen. I read Louis's letter and smiled as he signed it "Always in my heart, yours sincerely - Louis".

I took out a paper, a little inkwell and a quill from under my bed and wrote Louis back, telling him all about my day and how much I missed him; I signed it at the bottom "All the love - Harry". As I wrote my letter, Liam started a conversation with several people so their voices would drown out the scratching sound as I wrote; as I folded the paper in half after the ink dried I shot Liam a grateful smile


Louis's POV

"How do I look?" I asked Eleanor as I adjusted my crown again while I looked into the mirror; today I was wearing more gems and jewelry than I've seen in my entire life up until this day. I wore a ring on my left middle finger, the same ring my parents gave me, along with a golden necklace that had rubies studded into the gold; my clothes themselves had gold thread embroided throughout the cloth. "You look fine" she said, not even looking at me; she was watching Katherine restring her violin.

Eleanor was dressed in her uniform as the Knight-Commander, a long red coat with a golden lion over the heart with black pants. The coat reached just above the knees and had a layer of hardened leather underneath the cloth to protect against small blades and arrows, the favored weapons of assassins.

I sighed and adjusted my shirt, unbuttoning and rebuttoning the top button, I couldn't decide how I liked it more; today was the day of the party and I was nervous. I walked over to the windows and watched the carriages trickled in as the last of my guests finally arrived; today I would be officially crowned as the Prince of Britannia. There was no turning back now.

I turned as my door opened and my heart nearly flew out the window as I saw Harry in a uniform similar to Eleanor's but it didn't have the golden lion on the chest. He was dressed as a member of my staff. "Harry" I softly said, smiling. Harry walked over and we embraced tightly; we've only been separated for a few days but it felt like years. As we hugged I took a deep breath; I was completely unashamed to admit I liked the way he smelled, like home.

"I'm here to tell you that everything is ready, everyone has arrived" he said in my ear, not bothering to pull away from the hug. "Alright, we should be going then" I said, but neither of us moved.

We finally pulled away and I turned to tell Eleanor we were leaving but she nor Katherine were here, when did they leave? "I don't know the way, can you show me?" I lied. Harry smiled and intertwined our fingers "It's this way" he said as we walked out of my room. We walked slowly, so slowly; cherishing every moment we spent together.

"Harry, do you like being a Shadow? I can probably tell them to let you go" I said "I've recently discovered that I can literally just tell people what to do; yesterday I made my cook wear a pink shirt all day and I made one of my staff speak only in questions; it was hilarious". Harry looked at me "I don't know; I hate being away from you but they tell us that Shadows have protected the past Monarchs from like assassinations and things like that. If that's true I want to stay you".

I looked around, saw we were alone and pinned Harry against the wall "If you want to help me, you shouldn't leave me" I said softly, inches from his face. Harry gave a smirk "And how are you going to make me stay?" he whispered.

Instead of answering I brought my lips to his, our first kiss; it was slightly awkward and clumsy since neither of us have ever kissed anyone before but it didn't make it any less amazing. As we pulled away Harry bit his lower lip "That's a pretty good reason I have to admit" he said softly as he smirked "C'mon Louis we're going to be late for your first party".

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