CH 40

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All I wanted was a week of peace, Ive earned it haven't I? I mean other than sinning with Harry most nights since that first one.

It's been about three months since Britannia became whole, and a couple of weeks since I got a letter from the Pope confirming the Conclave's decision of my new title of Emperor. The first two months were spent working with Anne, Harry and Greg to unify Britannia in more than just name.

Border outposts would be dismantled and more roads between Wales, Scotland and England would be built for example. The fees on Irish products would be removed and I gave Greg a large sum of gold to build more ships for his trading fleet, to further connect Ireland with the main island; new ports would also be constructed on western half of the main island for the same reason.

The unification of Britannia also had military implications. Each kingdom maintained a small standing army for defense but Sir Pazner disbanded the four armies and restructured them into a British Army. Those that didn't want to be part of the British Army were instead given positions at the various city guards within their provinces. We would instead start focusing on a navy and when the soldiers heard of this, hundreds volunteered to join the new navy.

Where before recruitment was focused on the land armies, now the recruitment efforts were far more heavily focused on a navy; for an armada would be far more efficient at defending our islands than vast armies since all threats would now have to cross water to reach us. Over forty new warships were already being built at the various shipyards throughout the nation and we were actually saving money as a navy was a lot less upkeep to maintain than a land army.

It was the laws, however, that gave us the most problems because now the laws of the four provinces had to be more or less the same, with the same tax rates. The lawyers, judges and lawmakers from the various provinces could argue a point for days and not go anywhere. I got so fed up that I reformed Parliament to handle these issues but instead of Parliament being a meeting of kings, it was a meeting of lawyers, judges and lawmakers and I would no longer have to be present for it.

To keep the other provinces happy I instituted a representative Parliament, which meant that each province would get twenty five members out of one hundred in Parliament to represent the interest of that province to ensure that all provinces were equal. I didn't want anyone to think this unification was unfair; I wanted peace so the Grand Dukes chose their representatives.

Wales got a new Grand Duke about two months after Olaf met his unfortunate end, some Welshman I've never heard of but Harry claimed that the man was loyal so I accepted the man as Grand Duke with no further questions. Anne and Greg both returned to their provinces after the restructuring of Parliament but Niall stayed to be with Liam. It made me happy to see both of them together, they've actually been talking about adopting.

However with the unification came a whole host of other problems, especially from across the channel. Prince Charles now demanded that I fulfill my end of the deal we had and that I help him conquer the other kingdoms of Francia.

My castle was nearly bursting at the seams as representatives from kingdoms both large and small and not even existing anymore came to my court. My situation as an exiled prince wasn't all that uncommon especially since nations like Austria, Spain and Germania have increased their borders fairly recently and the royals of these conquered lands were displaced.

Many of these exiled royal families came to me for help since they thought I would be sympathetic to their cause, and I was, but I wasn't about to march halfway across Europa and take on some of the strongest nations for these people and their empty promises. We were also back to random families offering me their daughters again as they wanted to get on my good side, to became friendly with the only Emperor in western Europa and it was expected that I have a small army of lovers along with Maria. The fact that I didn't have any lovers was a huge source of gossip or I was applauded for my 'loyalty' to Maria, there was no in between. All of these situations together were enough to drive me mad, but at least I had Harry.

"So Harry are you good with your hands? I heard you were a baker or farmer or something before, along with his Imperial Worship" one of the new members of my court, a German, asked at dinner. "Yeah he's really good" I answered honestly. Liam made a small noise since he knew exactly what I meant. "I used to carve things from wood" Harry answered, trying to hide his smile and failing. The German just looked at us, confused. "So where do you want to sit?" Harry asked as we walked away from the German. "Next to you" I answered simply.


"Your dinner, Imperial Consort" one of the servants said, placing a steak in front of Harry with some vegetables. Harry started devouring it as soon as the plate hit the wood of the table, recently Harry has been eating a lot for some reason, he was even starting to gain weight.

I didn't mind, I still found Harry beautiful but it seemed that his stomach grew larger with each passing week; it wasn't noticeable though. I wouldn't have known if I didn't see him naked nearly every night. After Harry ate he actually asked for seconds and ate dessert; it was like he was eating for two people or something.

The next morning I was woken up by Harry vomiting into the chamber pot, the pot that we used for a latrine, kept in a separate, smaller room beside my bedroom. I looked over to make sure Fleur wasn't woken up as well before going over to see Harry "Harry are you ok?" I asked, concerned, rubbing his back. "I don't know" Harry said. "Wait right here, I'll grab the doctor" I said before running out of my room, shoving past the guard at my door and running out of my tower.

The castle doctor performed various tests, taking about a full hour until he turned to me and said "Your Worship it seems that the Consort is...pregnant." "What?!" Harry and I asked both at the same time. "Yes I'm shocked too" the doctor admitted "but it's the only explanation".

"God is giving me another chance at a son" I said softly to myself, my mind racing. "What do you mean?" Harry asked. "Maria hasn't been able to become pregnant again, and we've tried several times" I explained even though I knew Harry knew. "God has made you pregnant to give me another chance...Harry, tell me true, is it a boy?" I asked. "I...I have no idea" Harry said softly. "It will be, it has to be; why else would you become pregnant...Doctor you won't tell anyone will you? Especially any of the Templars or Clergy?" I asked, turning to the older man.

The doctor shook his head "I don't wish to become entangled in politics. I'm just a simple doctor, helping people is my passion...I do have some medicines here that I give to women to make sure the baby is healthy, I don't know if it'll work on a man but..." the doctor said as he reached into his bag and pulled out several glass flasks "you should still try them."

"Louis I cant be pregnant, my absence will be noticed at court and I can't walk about with a pregnant belly" Harry said after the doctor left. "I'll place you under house arrest for the next year or so, let you give birth and everything" I said after thinking about it for a second. "For what crime?" Harry asked. I thought about it before saying "Go flirt with Maria, when she complains about you I'll be able to put you under house arrest. It's a severe offense but you'll be able to stay in the castle" Harry thought about for a moment before he shrugged "I really don't like her anyway."


A few days later as I was sitting in my room playing with Fleur, waiting for Harry. Everyday he used the secret passages to come into my room. Culpepper knocked and walked in, followed by a girl "Highness this is Lady Briana Jungwirth and she has agreed to pose as your mistress; when Harry's child is born, the mother will be publicly announced as Briana."

I nodded, what could possibly go wrong?

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