CH 15

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Niall sat at my table for the feast, I was happy to finally have someone to share my table with and talk too. Below us the members of my court were talking to the Irish representatives; people I didn't know arrived, Harry was such a distraction. They were Niall's attendants, bodyguards and advisors; the latter would be a part of the diplomatic process so I was told.

"You have a glorious castle, far better than the one in Dublin" Niall said into my ear to be heard over the buzz of conversation and the music that was playing. "Thank you Niall, I do just believe you're being modest however" I said with a friendly smile. Niall snorted "Many of the buildings are starting to crumble and fall apart back home.  The Taoiseach care for nothing other than themselves and the power they possess; with the death of the High royal family, Ireland collapsed on itself."

Niall shook his head "Let's talk business later, Prince Louis, let's eat and party right now instead",  I nodded and waved Harry over who refilled Niall's cup. Niall chuckled and nodded in thanks at Harry before drinking "I was really...impressed by Liam" Niall said offhandedly before taking a casual drink.

"Yeah? That's good to hear since he's my secretary's apprentice" I said as I took a bite of an apple that was on my plate. "Is he...seeing anyone?" he asked. "I don't know to be honest, I've been insanely busy...wait a second, why are you asking?" I asked, looking at him; I laughed as Niall turned red "We have a lot of festivities planned for you, Prince of Ireland, I shall make sure Liam attends all of them". Niall turned ever more red when I finished speaking and tried to hide his face in his cup.

"I'll or something" Niall said getting up and joining the party which just made me laugh even more; I like this guy.


The next morning my entourage, Harry, Liam, and of course Niall, went out for some falconry; hunting rabbits and other small vermin with falcons. It was my first time ever doing the actual activity and if I was being honest I was terrified of the falcon that sat on my gloved hand; what if it turned around and attacked me instead? Or worse, pooped on me! I was relieved when one of the noble's sons held out his hand and I handed him the falcon.

Niall and Liam were awkward around each other, which was adorable actually; Harry caught on as well and between the two us, Niall and Liam were always next to each other. It was fun to get out of the castle for a while even if most of the company I was with annoyed me, at least Harry was with me. It wasn't that bad though, Niall brought his people along for the trip and my people were too busy puffing out their chests to the Irish to pay any attention to me.

After spending most of the morning and early afternoon falconing, we returned to the castle for lunch.   As we arrived at the castle, one of Culpepper's assistants was waiting at the stables for us "Mr. Liam" he said as he pulled out a letter from his coat and handed it to Liam. Liam nodded and put the letter in his coat without looking at it, I raised my eyebrow at him and he just smiled.

As we sat around eating lunch I leaned over to my left where Liam sat "So what was given to you?" Liam lowered his voice "Remember how you told me to keep an eye on Culpepper?" I nodded so Liam went on "I've made friends within Culpepper's office, they've started to intercept more important looking letters to give me to me first. I read them and if it's important then I make a copy to give to you, if not then I reseal it and have one of your messenger redeliver it to Culpepper's office with a tiny little mark on the wax seal to allow my friends to know that it's been looked at already".

"You haven't given anything to me yet though" I commented, Liam nodded "Nothing has come up so far, just personal letters". I placed a hand on his shoulder "Thank you Liam I knew I could trust you". Liam frowned though "Is this really necessary though Louis? All of this just for an offhanded comment that Eleanor said?" "She has a point though Liam, I really shouldn't trust Culpepper until he's proven that he can be trusted and he still hasn't told me about the letters from Scotland or Wales". "You're the Prince, Louis not me" Liam said shrugging before eating a chicken leg "Oh also, don't worry about Culpepper, he doesn't suspect a thing". "Very good Liam, thank you" I said, smiling

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