CH 14

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Niall's POV

My brother and I sat in the castle in Dublin, the news that a ship flying the Golden Lion sent everyone into a frenzy. Ireland was part of Britannia, on paper, but when the royal family was killed in the Norwegian invasion my people suddenly found themselves independent; it came with a price though, we live in constant fear of the other nations in Europa.

It was no secret that the Iberians, or Spanish, wanted Ireland for themselves for our fertile soil and easily defensible island. The Franks across the channel have also sent spy ships to investigate our home but never formally declared their intentions. Plus the threat of a Norwegian invasion was constant.  

When my father died last year my elder brother Gregory became King but he had a weak spirit, so they said, and didn't have the respect my father had. There were thirty two clans in Ireland and the head of each clan, male or female, lived here in Dublin and spoke for their people; but when my brother took the Emerald throne they started getting out of hand.

Fights and arguments started breaking out in meetings and the Taoiseach, the head of a clan, didn't respect my brother enough to listen to him so they wouldn't pay attention to what he said. Men and women would roll around on the floor in a fist fight and my brother could only watch. 

Ireland's monarchs weren't the same as the rest of Europa. In most of Europa, except for the Italian republics, you were born to become a ruler; in Ireland you were elected. My brother won the election by a single vote, mine. A new king could be elected, however, if three quarters of the Taoiseach agreed on who should replace the current King, or Queen, and that was the only thing that kept my brother as King; the Taoiseach couldn't agree on who should replace him.

The Taoiseach had all the power in Ireland, each one had personal armies and was in charge of protecting their own land. As King, my brother was little more than a figurehead and served mainly only to talk to other crowns and governments. The Irish monarch was so weak because in the power vacuum that was caused by the death of the High Royal family, the Taoiseach each made themselves as powerful as possible.

The hall buzzed with the Taoiseach talking about what the ship meant and each had a different idea of how to deal with it; none of them wanted to rejoin Britannia because it meant that they would have to give up their power back to the Irish monarch.

The hall quieted down as three men dressed in bright red and gold clothes entered and started walking towards my brother. When they arrived they bowed to my brother and simply said "We are sent by the Prince of Britannia, he asks you to rejoin his realm".

The hall started buzzing again and showing great disrespect to my brother, one of the Taoiseach stood up and spoke "Why?" The English diplomats looked over, obviously surprised that someone other than the King was speaking to them.

"The Lion Prince just had a great victory at the town of Hull; his reconquest has officially begun".  One of the English diplomats said, looking between my brother and the Taoiseach, unsure who to talk too.  "The Lion Prince?" my brother sneered, trying to appear strong in front of the Taoiseach "Is that what he calls himself?".

The leader of the English diplomats developed a smug grin "Oh no, that is that the people call him. They say he is brave, courageous, strong but kind and fair. The mayor of Hull denied the Prince and wouldn't surrender since he supported the Norwegians, however after meeting him, he surrender unconditionally and swore his allegiance to the Prince".

My brother shifted in his seat, it was troubling to hear this news; when the people loved their Prince or King they would die for them, a war between Ireland and Britannia would be disastrous for us. My brother looked at me "Little brother you're the only person in this entire room I trust, would you go meet this Prince?" I just stared at my brother, I wasn't even eighteen yet and he trusted me with this?

"My brother will meet your Prince, Englishmen, and he will speak for Ireland and myself" my brother said in a loud voice before I even answered.


Louis's POV

Harry and I laid together in my room, making out and enjoying the peace that we offered at each other; or at least the peace that Harry brought me. Life in Doncaster became a lot more annoying since we captured Hull; nobles now sent their eldest children to live in Doncaster to help represent their family's interests since I was now "acting like a real Prince". Culpepper said that these people would be the start of my royal court.

It was completely exhausting as all of them tried to become my best friend all at once; I finally ordered Eleanor to turn away all guests so I could have a goddamn moment to think, but of course Harry was able to enter my room .

Harry sat on my hips, kissing me while slowly grinding his bum into my lap; we were completely clothed, a fact that I was thankful for when Eleanor entered my room without even knocking. "Majesty, the Prince of Ireland has arrived" she said before walking out the closing the door.

I sighed and allowed my head to fall on my pillow "Just once wouldn't it be nice to have, like, three minutes of peace?" Harry kissed my neck "But it makes these little meetings all the sweeter no?" I chuckled "But I can't meet him like this" I said, grinding my hardness into his bum. "I see the problem" Harry said, as he traced the outline through the cloth of my pants which made me squirm.

I gasped as in one swift moment Harry pulled down my pants and put me in his mouth. "Harry... ugh...what are you doing?" I gasped out; we've never done anything like this. "As a Shadow it's my duty to take care for you and satisfy all your needs" he said simply before resuming. I didn't last long, I've been so busy that I haven't really had time for a release so I didn't last long under Harry's assault. "Harry...I'm" was all I could say, Harry didn't move though and drank it all. "No mess, no clean up" was he said with a very cheeky grin as he wiped the side of his mouth with the back of his hand. "You're absolutely terrible" I said, trying to catch my breath.

I was impressed with myself of how calmly I walked into my throne room, scanning the room I saw a boy maybe a year or two younger than I was, dressed in a fine cut outfit of different shades of green; he was talking to Liam surprisingly instead of Culpepper. What was even more surprisingly though was that Liam couldn't maintain eye contact and seemed to be lightly blushing.

"Prince Niall" I said, walking towards them "Welcome to Doncaster". Prince Niall gave a little bow "Prince Louis, an honor, thank you for allowed me to stay here". I nodded "Of course, you arrived a little quicker than I expected so the feast we're throwing for you won't be ready for a while yet; shall I give you a tour of the castle?".

Liam cleared his throat "I'm sure you're very busy Highness, if it pleases you I shall give him a tour" I looked at Liam, very confused, but they said: when you get a horse as a gift, don't look it in the mouth "Very well Liam, I shall be in my quarters if to need me" as I left Liam, for some reason, gave me a grateful smile.

I found Harry polishing some plates alone in the kitchen, without saying anything I grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him back to my room, causing him to laugh.

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