Daughter of Mine (Part Two)

Start from the beginning

"You both have to take tests, you're lucky I'll be there to keep an eye on things." He glared at you when you went to object but you gave up.

"What tests, Mommy?" you glanced down to see your daughter peering up at you, fiddling with her dress looking terrified.

"All Dauntless born children have a test before they are put in classes tailored to their educational needs." Eric told her and she snuffled her sleeve before frowning.

"I was born in Abnegation... it says in my file." She looked at both of you when she didn't get an answer right away.

"I don't think Mommy planned on bringing you back." Eric muttered as he walked away and left you to settle her into her new bedroom.

"I liked Abnegation better." She whispered and you nodded.

"I know sweetie but they have yummy food here and, pretty patterns on your clothes." You forced a smile and she shrugged, climbing onto her bed so she could look out of the window.

"You have to leave her here." Eric sighed as you refused to leave your daughter and he was called over.

"No." You snapped and he rolled his eyes.

"She'll be perfectly safe so go." He motioned for you to leave but instead you stared over at the group of children. "You have your own tests to go to."

"She scares easy, I can't just leave her." You sighed and nibbled your lip as he stepped into you, guiding you away from her.

"I'll be across the room watching over her, no one here's going to touch her she's mine." His tone was authoritative and you shuffled from one foot to the other. "Will you go and kick Four's ass in front of Max, guys been too cocky since you left."

"Just don't let her hit anyone." You sighed and he chuckled.

"We're Dauntless, hitting peoples the whole point of the faction." He pointed out and bent down to kiss you, pulling away before he did, when he seemed to realise what he was doing.

You hurried to meet with Four and Max, quickly regaining your place, although you were warned not to cause issues or you'd be sent to Candor without your daughter. Tori hugged onto you when she found out you were back for good and the two of you grabbed lunch to eat while watching the little ones finish their testing lesson.

"(Y/D/N), what're you doing?" Eric called and you spotted your daughter, neatly made up in her Dauntless outfit, frowning as she pushed herself off the floor.

"It isn't nice to hit people." She told Eric and Tori snickered as he opened and shut his mouth, trying to decide whether or not to argue with her.

"Did he hit you first?" Eric asked finally and she nodded, wobbling her pony tail about.

"Yes sir." She mumbled and he gestured to the boy who'd squared his shoulders.

"Then you can hit him back." Eric said and you jumped up to tell him not to let her but before you could say anything she punched the boy square on the nose and sent him flying onto his back, effectively cutting the lesson short as Eric dismissed the class.

"She's got a good swing on her." Tori chuckled as you watched Eric stalk over to her despite the proud grin on his face.

"Sweetheart, it's play fighting, little hits on the practise mats." He muttered and sat her on his knee while he looked at her hand and motioned for the boy to be taken to get looked over.

"But you said to hit him." She groaned with frustration and glared at Eric.

"You're right I did and it was a good hit but in here it's practise fighting." He told her and she looked over at you as if he was utterly mad.

"Fighting's fighting." She told him and he nodded.

"Did you teach her to hit like that?" He asked as he handed her to you.

"Well not exactly like that, I didn't think she'd be hitting little kids." You admitted and she smiled at you.

"I want chocolate cake." She whispered and you frowned at Eric who smirked at you as she wriggled down and greeted Tori.

"So, you beat up Four?" He asked as you grabbed your bags and followed Tori who was showing your daughter around.

"Of course, Max is pleased with my performance but I can't mess up again, also if we want to leave the faction grounds you have to be with us." You told him and jumped when he pulled you out Tori's sight.

"What were you thinking leaving in the first place?" He asked and you shrugged.

"I wasn't thinking Eric; besides it's not like you'd exactly be proud to have anything other than the best fighter as your kid." You huffed and he swallowed as he stared at the opposite wall while leaning against the one he'd trapped you against.

"She tested four years above her average I can get hold of some books and Erudite lesson plans but she has to do well here." He turned back to you as you stared up at him.

"I just assumed you'd be mad if I tried to... encourage her to think about how other Factions work." You mumbled and he slammed his other hand against the wall next to your head.

"You didn't give me much time to think it over (Y/N), I woke up one morning and you were gone." He snapped and you lent your head against the wall.

"I was trying to give her a better chance." You whispered and he rolled his eyes.

"You didn't trust me enough to help you, with anything... you could have at least told me why you went off and left me." He growled quietly and you pushed against his chest.

"Well I didn't, so deal with it." You snapped and he moved in even closer.

"Oh, trust me I am dealing with it, things would not be so easy for you if I hadn't agreed to play house." He hissed and let out a ragged breath before crushing you into a bruising kiss.

"Mommy, hurry up, Tori says I can eat Four's cake if were quick!" The delighted call echoed from around the corner and Eric reluctantly stepped away, his hand trailing down your side as he held your gaze until you pushed off the wall and walked away.

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