''Why?'' she wondered leaning back against the cold wood, ''Do you care?''

''I didn...'' he started, his eyes showing confusion and horror, ''You manipulative bitch.'' he sighed as he saw a smirk form on her red lips.

''Anyway, your bickering couple was there to protect me.'' she stated looking around the room, ''They're funny, I like them.''

''Lexis Blake and Kol Mikaelson?'' the consulting criminal laughed, ''These two are idiots but they're the best in the business... couldn't resist getting my hands on them.''

''Is there something else you can't resist getting your hands on?'' Juliet purred, batting her long lashes at him.

''Stop changing the subject.'' the man sighed, ''You're going to get yourself into trouble. And frankly if you jeopardize my game, don't think for one second that I won't check you off of the list. I know you; I know what you do and what you did. I know what happened in Paris and why you came back. Don't take my generosity for granted.'' he continued staring straight at her with cold emotionless eyes, ''Do you understand, ma petite?''

''Now that's my kind of man.'' the girl muttered under her breath before putting her hand to her forehead like a soldier, ''Yes sir!''

''You're a terrible person...'' Moriarty smirked, his face softening before turning back to a hard, solid, emotionless expression, ''I trust you to make your own choices for now. If you get into trouble, I trust you to make the right choice. But if something happens that you didn't count on, believe me when I say that you're on your own.''

''I understand yes, yes...'' Miss Waters smiled yet slightly afraid, his words making her think of all the horrible things that could happen to her in the near future if she kept spending her time with Sherlock Holmes and doctor John Watson, ''Question; Irene Adler? Why were your men at her house this afternoon?''

''Miss Adler?'' the man smiled, stepping closer to the girl, ''Jealous, dearest?''

''Slightly, have you already found yourself another favourite pet?'' Juliet mocked putting her hands on the man's chest.

''Not quite. You're still alive right?'' he grinned, ''No, Miss Adler owes me something...''

''Tell me.'' the woman slightly pleaded, ''Is it because you want to have fun with Mr Holmes? You're making Irene manipulate Sherlock, humiliate him, destroy him?''

''You're quite clever when you really want too.'' Jim said, singing his last words. 

''Is it because you're bored?'' the brunette smirked, pulling on his tie to bring him closer to her. Getting her face closer to his once again, she smiled proudly.

''Not anymore.'' he smirked his lips inches away from hers.

She could feel his warm breath against her cold skin, sending sparks flying throughout her whole body. Her hands clung to the fabric of his suit, and her head rested on his shoulder. Basking in each other's ambiance, creating each other's warmth. As she looked up into his eyes, she couldn't see one spot of darkness, not one spot of hate or any harsh feelings he had expressed towards her a few seconds ago, instead nothing but warmth and peacefulness.

He looked back down at her, giving a quirky smile, he slowly lifted her chin. She could feel the warmth of his breath brushing the top her lips. Slowly she closed her eyes and lifted her lips to the last half-inch so their lips could finally meet. Softly. Lovingly. They breathed their souls and their passion into each other. That kiss; hard, but soft; fiery yet cool; a split second but also forever.

In half of a second, it was over. He looked back down at her, her eyes still closed, she could feel a smirk on his lips. His hands made their way to her legs, travelling all the way to her thighs and up to her waist. He wanted more yet she had told him, she was a busy girl. Her eyes flew open and she hopped off the desk. She wiggled herself out of his hold, giving him a small smile; she made her way out of his office. He followed her closely all the way to the door, confused and angered. How dare this mere girl refuse his offer? As she opened the door, she turned around and gave him another smile. Extending her arm, she held out her hand and cupped his cheeks. Giving in to her mother like actions, he slowly closed his eyes and let her stroke her thumb against his cheek.

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