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"I swear neither you or King will touch me again for a few days." I groan as I try to walk to the bathroom. My damn knees kept buckling, my legs was hella wobbly. Not to mention the constant throbbing in my southern region reminding me of the recent events every single time I moved.

Walking behind me Mario pulled me into his arms effortlessly and strutted to the waiting bath. My whole body was sore, as I slid down into the water so that only my head was sticking out. I tried to get Mario to get in but he said the water was to hot for him.

I heard a soft chuckle before I was lifted out of the now cold water. I had fallen asleep in the bath. By the time Mario had dried me off I was wide awake and starving. Looking him up and down I noticed he was fully dressed. Standing in my tippy toes I kiss his juicy pink lips. Squatting down he rubbed me down with coconut oil, then helps me into my thong and bra. Walking off he brings me a cute little sundress and some sandals. When I'm all dressed I turn and kiss his lovely lips. "Thank you baby."
"Es ist mir eine Freude, mein Schatz." He says in his native tongue as he kissed his way down my neck.
(It's my pleasure, my treasure.)

Our make out session was interrupted by the growling of my stomach. Letting out a giggle I peck his swollen lips once more before leaving him to washing my hands.
Prancing down the hall I make my way to the kitchen I start was about to start cooking us a Sunday brunch only to find the table already lined with various foods. Whipping my body around I'm met with a single rose. There was a tsunami in my belly, and my damn cheeks were so high it hurt. I'm sure I looked like a smiling fool. Placing a hand over my face I look into those chocolate eyes I've started to love so much.

Aw look at him trying to be romantic. Cute. Chanel spoke for the first time. Ignoring her I kiss Rio before squeezing him in a death grip. Starting up in admiration I say, "You make me feel so special."
As if returning the same look of awe I had on my face he said, "You are special Schatz."

Leading me over to the table like he was the gentleman I always known him to be, pulling out my chair helping me sit before sitting himself.
"LaShay please stop looking at me like that," he asked breathlessly as scooted his chair up to the table and reached for the food on the table. A smile crept its was on my face, as if the creepy smile I had wasn't already enough.
"Looking at you like what?"
"Eat." He pushed out as his long legs managed to somehow separate mine. The heat was radiating off his body in waves. Blinking up shyly I watch him as he finishes filling his plate. Following his lead I fill my plate and quickly start eating trying to get my arousal under control. Halfway through our meal a low growl emerged from deep within Rio's chest, my head few up, my eyes grew wide.

Instantly I knew the difference, I was no longer with Mario. The heaving of my chest caught his attention for a split moment before his eyes snapped back up to mine. His nostrils wiggled as he swiftly drew in a breath.

"You are wet." He growled, unmoving. Looking down I feel my cheeks heat up as he scooted his chair back. By the time I looked up he was gone, or so I thought.

I feel the heat of his breath fanning across my knees that I have managed to somehow squeezed together.
"Open," he growls moving closer. My legs had a mind of their on as they popped open. King wasted no time pushing my legs further apart as he pulled my thong to the side.

Thank you, he mind-linked me before his lips met my inter thigh. A trembling mess I wait for what felt like forever.

"Ahh!" I yelp as he bit my thigh roughly as my thong popped back in place. Soon he appeared for under the table, if looks could kill he would be a goner.

"Schatz don't pout you've had enough." Mario had taken control again. Damnit! I wanted that unexpected promise of pleasure.

"Go back and finish what y'all started," I whine. Chuckling he leans back licking his lips, the look in his eye was different one I'd never seen before. Rolling my eyes I push my plate back.

"If I let King finish you would be madder, especially from what he had planned. Hell if I wasn't so busy drifting off to LaLa land when I smelled your arousal he wouldn't have took control so easily. The hell was you over there thinking about?" He asked with an eye brow lifted.
"Us," I groan blushing. How could I explain to his that his simple act of kindness had me hot and ready. 
"I was just trying to be romantic hell. Glad I have that affect on you though." He says all cocky as he gets up from the table. Damn him always knew just what to say! Inwardly shaking my head at myself I see him moving fast.

"Whatever, don't touch me!" I quickly shout, jumping when he grabbed me anyway. I could feel the warmth and strength through his fingertips as he lifted me without a problem then walked me to the living room. I was quiet, waiting for him to ravish my body in any way he pleased.

"I won't touch you just yet but I will in a few hours so go head let it build up." He said roughly as we flopped onto the couch.

This man just told me no. No! No? Seriously? I scream in my head as he turned on the tv and turned on Game of Thrones. Leaning back I started to plot my sweet revenge.




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