34: Happy Birthday, El Macho!

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Hard Times- Paramore

"You did what?!" Remington shouts, springing off of his spot on the other couch, towering angrily over Drea and me. We glance at each other nervously before turning back to my pissed off boyfriend, gripping hands.
"We're sorry?" My parter in crime tries, and Rylie scoffs and Warren and Robyn share an angry look.
The door bursts open for the second time tonight, and in comes a fuming, and I mean fuming Reina. She slams the door hard. We vaguely notice it open back up and see a group of people come inside, Vienna and Emerson in the group, as well as the triplets, Sebastian and Steph, and Mom.
"What the hell were you idiots thinking?!" She snaps.
"Uh-oh," Drea says, pursing her lips to try and stop from smiling.
"What?" Robyn asks cautiously, and the rest of the guys look pretty interested.
I stand up and open my arms wide.
"Happy Birthday, El Macho!" She stares at me incredulously, before stomping over to me and pinching my arm quite aggressively. I yelp, slapping her hand away and running the now blotchy spot.
"You think this is funny?! I nearly broke my brain, I was freaking so hard!" At this, Drea lets out a strangled sound, her laughter growing.
"There was no need to get physical," I whine, sitting down on my chair and pouting. Reina proceeds to place one hand on her hip and use the other to shake her finger at me.
"You little punk! You can fight me! Why would you two go alone, without someone to protect you!"
"Well, now that I know that you're crazy, I would've brought you, I'd've loved to see the damage you'd've done to Rick," I mutter, and she pinches me on the other arm.
"Ow! Will you stop abusing me?!" I cry at her, and she frowns, continuously pinching be all over my arms, legs, face, neck, and stomach. I chomp down on her hand when she gets close to my mouth again.
"Ow! You skank! You bit me!" She accuses, cradling her arm.
"That's right, hoe, now chill it, El Macho got his celebration, now I want you to calm your tits and give me my best friend back." The boys just sit, staring at us with raised eyebrows, and she caves.
"Don't you ever do that to me again, I almost went into cardiac arrest," she mutters. I nod, hugging her before turning to Vienna and sighing, wiping her tears while she blubbers like a baby. Suddenly the starfish-walker latches onto me, and we go down.
"You heavy pig!" I gasp as she continues to blubber into my shoulder. I pay her back in an awkward way, before I shove there off and stand. However, she attaches herself onto my leg as I try to walk, successfully taking me down once more.
I drag my body up using one of the couch arms, which happens to be right by Remington. I smile sweetly at my boyfriend. "Tell your brother to get his two year old lover off of me." It comes out sweetly, but the words still hold their true meaning. He rolls his eyes.
"Don't worry, Evie, I'm on it already," I hear from behind me, and I suddenly feel weightless!

Just kidding, I just don't have a sobbing bestie trying to pull me through the floorboards and into hell with her. But yeah, the boys started to call me Evie once they'd heard the triplets call me that.
I stand up and start to skip away, but someone pokes my side and I let out a mangled squeal, crumbling. Remington pulls me into his lap before I can hit the floor, and I pinch him roughly. "How rude! You don't see me trying to temporarily paralyze you, now do you?"
"No, but I did see you lock both me and your friend in a room for quite a bit of time. And Jesus! What is it with you girls and pinching?!" I frown at his anger. He's trying not to show it and push it away, but I'd be angry at me too.
I turn so I'm straddling him and grab his face in my hands. "I just wanted to be free." His eyes soften, the anger leaving as he understands the undertone to my words. I'm tired of letting that revolting even both Rick rule me.
"I've noticed that you're really out there suddenly," he muses, and I smirk.
"Hi, I'm Stevie, and this is me when I'm not slowly going mental." Remington barks out a laugh before leaning over and kissing me. I feel a little body squirm in between us, and we pull apart and look down to see Auggie trying to push us apart with all of his night.
"Paws off my sister, Mister," He says,'his voice strained from his attempts. I awe at him, and stand up, pulling Auggie off Remington with me.
"Don't worry, Bubs, you're my favorite man in my life." I kiss him on the cheek and he smiles, his cute little dimples coming out of hiding. I set him down and he runs over to his sibling and Liam, and the four of them rush off to go play.
Mom rushes towards me, pulling me into a hug. "He didn't do anything to you, did he?" She asks me softly, and I pull back, still keeping her close.
"He apologized, and I forgave him." The room pauses their conversation at my words and takes a shocked aura. I giggle, and Rem wraps his arms around my waist. "It's time to move on, and seeing him gave me...closure. But I'm also glad that I could help him get on the next plane back to wherever the hell he came from." Everyone cheers at my last words, and I laugh along with my family. The door opens and the Biersacks all walk in, which is because they're over so often I've told them they don't have to knock.
As of now, my world is complete. I've faced my biggest fear, and saved my--

A piercing scream rings out as May sits up, scared, making me wince. Right, speaking of her.

Two updates!! I've been writing like a crazy person XD ITS ALMOST OVER, GUYS!!

Two updates!! I've been writing like a crazy person XD ITS ALMOST OVER, GUYS!!

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