2: The Deranged Monkey in Aisle 9

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How do you do? - Palaye Royale

Reina and Vienna were over the moon when they saw me, and we've been talking at the small coffee shop we all used to work at for hours. "Why don't we have a Harry Potter Marathon at my place? Just like old times," Reina jokes, making me grin widely. I'd never turn down a Harry Potter marathon.
"I'm down," Vienna says, right as I nod and say, "I wouldn't miss it for the world." Reina laughs, and says, "I'm a little low on snacks, so if there's anything you guys want, you'll have to go to the store." Vienna states that she's fine, while my mind is on a certain heavenly spread that I would eat for three meals a day if I could.
It's as if the girls know exactly what I'm thinking, because they both look at my and say in usion, "Nutella." After we all calm down, I let them know I'll be at Rein's house in fifteen while I drive over to the nearest Von's grocery store. I spend a few minutes scavenging for the treasured food, but it seems to be missing.
  Finally, I spot the Nutella, resting on the high top shelf, way out of my reach. Standing with my hands on my hips, I glare at the amazing jars. Oh, it's on.
  And that's how I end up jumping up and down in aisle 9, looking like a deranged monkey trying to reach the stupid Nutella. This goes on for about four minutes, me hopping up and down, people stopping to stare, and so on. Finally, I give up at turn to leave, only to smash my nose into someone's chest. Not gonna lie, that hurt like a fluffing ditch. The person grabs four jars of Nutella like it's a walk in the park, handing me two and keeping the other two for himself.
  "Here you go." Uh, why does this person sound oddly familiar? This question is answered when the person takes a step back, allowing me to see his face along with the two people standing next to him. It's Palaye Royale.
"So you've heard of us?" Emerson teases, a sly smile on his face as he adjusts the brim of his hat. Did I say that out loud?
Remington snickers. "Oh yeah, babe."

"Guys, I brought a few extras!" I call, letting the boys in first before heading into Reina's home myself, slamming the door shut with my foot just like old times. Sebastian jumps a bit at this.
  Rein and Vienna fly down the stairs, wanting to see who is intruding on the sacred Harry Potter marathon. Vienna gasps while Reina nearly falls. Did I forget to mention that we all love Palaye Royale?  Emerson rushes to help up Reina, as does Sebastian. Remington simply stands next to me with a shocked expression. Not the reaction he expected, I guess.
Eventually, we all end up in Rein's movie room, the room that holds her huge collection of movies and her flat screen tv. It's the guest bedroom, which you could see by the bed who's frame is lined with the cube shelves that hold her monstrous movie selection. I take a running lean and flop onto the bed, sighing in content as the memory foam sinks into all the curves and crooks of my body. Simply to say I'm in heaven right now. I hear my two best friends starting to laugh, Vienna sinking down next to me while Reina sets up the movies. When she notices Palaye standing at the door, looking awkward, she smiles at them.
     "Come on in and take a seat anywhere. There's a couch over there, the bed if you can get those dweebs to move, and the floor." Everyone laughs at her last comment. Vienna decides she wants to lay on the floor, and slides off the bed like a snake, since she "didn't want to waste her energy on getting up," even though that's exactly what she did to get a fluffy blanket and pillow from the closet.
Sebastian and Emerson decide to lay on the couch, each taking a different end and arguing about their feet in their faces. Why both six foot men thought to lay on that couch together, I have no clue.
"You two do know that's a futon couch, right?" Venna tells the boys shyly, trying to hide her snickers. I also roll my lips in to keep silent.
"Darling, are you serious?" Emerson asks, a bit annoyed. Reina nods with a giggle. Sebastian sighs.
"Alright, up, you idiot," he says to Emerson, who whacks his older brother's head.
"You didn't know either, you hypocritical jerk!" Reina ends up getting both brothers  up and turning the couch into the bed, walking away as both brothers settle down on it quietly.
   I'm so distracted by the situation, I don't notice a person sink down onto the big bed next to me until I feel someone poke my side. Mind you, I'm super ticklish, and end up letting out a small yelp while tumbling off the bed in a not so graceful way.
"Oh, God, I'm sorry! I didn't know you were part lemur," Remington jokes, offering his hand to me from the bed as I groan from the floor. I clasp my hand in his.
"Yeah, it's something kept under hush. It's my hidden batman," I joke as he helps heave me off the floor with a smile.
"Nice. Is your kryptonite Nutella too?" I scrunch up my nose.
"Not much for superman, but yeah, something like that." We end up in a laughing fit on the bed, making everyone shush us as Harry Potter starts. I squeal, and start to bounce, while Remington fist pumps and grabs a jar of Nutella, right as I go the same. We look at each other and fist bump. What? Nutella and Harry Potter equals instant besties.


I walk out with Palaye Royale, much to Vienna and Rein's disappointment.
"C'mon, boo, just tonight! It's your first night back!" I smile widely.
   "Nah, someone's gotta tuck the moms in  and give her her bottle," I sigh sarcastically. As you can probably tell, I'm really dreading going home. But what I say is true: I've got to make sure she's okay. No matter what, she's my mother, and she's the only one I get.
"Please? We'll take you to see her first thing in the morning!" Reina begs, hands clasped together under her chin and everything. I shake my head no with a smile, earning me a frustrated groan.
"Fine," Vienna grumbles, obviously still opposed to my decision. "But you're hanging out with us first thing tomorrow!"
"Deal," I laugh out, and I turn to the three boys, who're waiting to say their goodbyes.
"Thanks so much for letting us invade your Harry Potter time," Sebastian says brightly, hands tucked into his jacket pocket. It's a bit chilly tonight, which is surprising weather for Vegas.
"Yeah, we had a really lovely time, thanks for letting us come along," Emerson adds, his voice making my heart beat fast. What? They're still my idols! And would you honestly turn down a chance to hang out with the Kropp brothers?
When Remington says something though, I feel as if I've just flatlined. "Really, that was fun. We really enjoyed that. I think that's the wildest Harry Potter Marathon I've ever experienced, and I think I'll die of happiness due to all that Nutella," he says with a chuckle. I blush and smile at them.
"No, thank you guys for coming! It was really cool to meet you guys! We love your band by the way," Vienna gushes, making Reina and I mentally face palm. Way to be smooth, V. She really fangirls though, when she asks them for a selfie.
  The boys laugh. "It'd be an honor," Remington says politely, and takes a selfie  with her, Reina and I smiling at her goofiness. Suddenly, Sebastian gestures us over, taking out his phone.
   "C'mon, group picture," he says, while Reina and I get into the frame. Remington drapes an arm around my shoulder, making my face burn Crimson. Holy hell, Remington Leith is standing next to me with his arm around me! Jesus, Stevie, be cool! I make sure my face is composed and try not to smile too too much, so I don't look like a super fangirl.
   A breeze blows by, making the night even colder, as well as making me shiver. I left my jacket on my bed at home, which, a lot of good it does me there.   
     Remington notices, and shrugs off his leather jacket, leaving him in a tight black T-shirt with the words 'Morrison Hotel' displayed across his chest in white lettering. He offers it to me. "Here, take this, you need it more than I do."
I'd like to say I tried turning him down, or even hesitated for that matter, but I merely smiled gratefully at him as I shrugged on the warm leather. Immediately, the scent of tobacco and vanilla fill my nose. Holy Jesus almighty, this man smells fine. I mentally face palm again. Way to be creepy, Stevie.
  "Thanks. So I heard you guys are going on tour tomorrow," I say, recalling one of Emerson's posts from earlier today. He smiles, and nods.
   "Yeah, we'll be on tour pretty much until next Christmas." My heart literally drops. Is he serious right now?
   "We're gypsies," Emerson sighs out, throwing an arm around his brother's neck as he joins in on the conversation. We all laugh.
   "That seems rough, but you guys will probably make a lot of fun memories," I try, hopefully sounding positive. How could I have actually have thought I'd be able to actually be friends with my idols.
  Remington's ringed hand tucks some of my ember Wavy hair. I suck in a breath quietly. His lips brush my cheek, all while he whispers his goodbye, slipping passed me once he's done and starts up his motorcycle.
   The boys are long gone by the time the three of us head inside, but my mind is still stuck on the moment with Remington. Speaking of him, he forgot his jacket. It'll be a cold ride back, considering he's on his bike on probably the coldest day of the year here.

But little did I know, there'd be plenty more of run ins with this band.

Eh, kinda boring, but at least it didn't take five chapters to introduce the band XD.

Eh, kinda boring, but at least it didn't take five chapters to introduce the band XD

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